Someone reported that this script deleted their /usr/bin directory, so please be careful, if you do want to use this script, to check your parameters. After I wrote this script Sublime Text published packages which make the installation and update of ST3 much easier:
Shell script to install/update Sublime Text 3
Modify the shell script sublime-text-3.sh
permissions and check Execute: Allow executing file as program and run the script.
Usage: {script} [ OPTIONS ] TARGET BUILD
TARGET Installation target. Default target is "/opt".
BUILD Build number, e.g. 3126. If not defined uses a Sublime Text 3
web service to retrieve the latest stable or dev version number.
-h, --help Displays this help message.
-d, --dev Install the dev version
-s, --stable Install the stable version (default)
Report bugs to Rudolf Bargholz <https://github.com/rudolfb/sublime-text-3-install>
The script installs Sublime Text 3 in the /opt
folder by default, unless a different folder is specified as a parameter
The script installs the latest stable version of Sublime Text 3 by default, unless a specific version number is specified as a parameter.
Install the lated stable version:
cd sublime-text-3-install
chmod +x sublime-text-3.sh
Install the latest dev version:
./sublime-text-3.sh -d
Install a specific dev version in a non-standard folder:
./sublime-text-3.sh -d /usr/local 1234
This will install the Sublime Text version 1234 into the target folder /usr/local