
Ansible role for generating SSL certificates using certbot

MIT LicenseMIT


Ansible role for setting up certbot and creating a certificate for a domain.

graph TB
A[Install certbot] -- setup --> B((Create symlink for Certbot binary))
B -- generate_cert --> C(Check if the certificate was already generated)
C -- generate_cert --> D(Generate certificate manually)


To use this role, you need to install the snap community role. You can install it using the following command:

ansible-galaxy collection install community.general

Role Variables

The role uses the following parameters:

  • email: The email address to use for the certificate.
  • domain: The domain for which the certificate should be created.


This role depends on the following collections:

  • community.general
    • community.general.snap

Example Playbook

Here's an example playbook that shows how to use the role:

- hosts: servers
    - role: letsencryptssl
      email: your_email@example.com
      domain: example.com


This role is licensed under the MIT License.

Author Information

This role was created by Rudolf Olah.