To install, download or clone the repo, then move to the required exercise branch with either:
git checkout ExerciseC6A
git checkout ExerciseC6B
git checkout ExerciseC6C
git checkout ExerciseC6D
and for each exercise run:
npm install
truffle compile
To run truffle tests:
truffle test ./test/ExerciseC6A.js
or npm test
- How does Ethereum work anyway?
- Truffle Framework
- Ganache Local Blockchain
- Solidity Language Reference
- Ethereum Blockchain Explorer
- Web3Js Reference
- BIP39 Mnemonic Generator
- Remix Solidity IDE
This code was created with the following versions of tools:
- Truffle v5.0.1 (core: 5.0.1)
- Solidity v0.5.0 (solc-js)
- Node v8.9.4
- Ganache v1.2.3
- Ensure Ganache is running on port 8545
- Ensure Ganache mnemonic is identical to mnemonic in truffle.js
- Ensure you have at least the versions of the tools specified above
- Delete node_modules folder and run "npm install" to refresh dependencies
- If you get compiler errors, change the "pragma" line in all .sol files to match your version
- If you are on Microsoft Windows and get an error message from the operating system that relates to a missing truffle.js file when you type npm test, please rename the truffle.js file to truffle-config.js