Start Contributing to windO Project:

To start contributing to windO follow the below steps:

  1. Choose component to work one You can choose one of the following repositories

  2. Fork that repository

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  3. Copy Git URL When you fork a repository you will get the same repository under your github account.

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    Open the Repository and copy the URL alt text

  4. Clone Repository

    git clone <repository-url>
    git clone
  5. Go inside the cloned repository

    cd <repository-dir>
    cd sample-proj
  6. Create branch for development

    git checkout <new-branch-name>
    git checkout feature/readme-update
  7. Make code changes with your IDE

  8. Stage changes

    git add .
  9. Add commit message and signoff

    git -s -m "<commit-message>"
    git -s -m "readme file updated"
  10. Push the changes

    git push origin <branch-name>
    git push origin feature/readme
  11. Create a pull request

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