
Procdure to add windows worker/minion node to your kubernetes cluser which can be useful to orchestrate windows based container with kubernetes

Primary LanguageShell

Setup Windows Minion with Kubernetes

From Kubernetes 1.14 release kubernetes has came up with support of Windows minion/worker nodes. So if you are using kubernetes version 1.14 or later you will be able to setup windows minion with your existing cluster and can orchestrate windows based containers with kubernetes. But before proceeding further make sure to go through below considerations.


  1. Kubernetes version should be 1.14 or later
  2. There is some limitation on CNI plugin. Until now windows only supports
    • Flannel (vxlan or host-gw) cluster.
    • With a ToR switch.
  3. As we will label the node we have to use node selector to deploy windows based container on that node.


Deploy Kubernetes Control Plane

I am using Ubuntu 18.04 as Master Node. The scripts will not work for other distributions of linux.

  • Install Docker and Enable Docker

  • Install kubeletk, kubeadm and kubectl

  • Deploy kubernetes

  • Install CNI as Flannel

    kubectl create -f kube-flannel.yaml

Enable Mixed Scheduling

  • On Master Node execute

    cd ~ && mkdir -p k8s/yaml && cd k8s/yaml
  • Check kube-proxy DaemonSet is set to RollingUpdate

    kubectl get ds/kube-proxy -o go-template='{{.spec.updateStrategy.type}}{{"\n"}}' --namespace=kube-system
  • Download node-selector-patch

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Microsoft/SDN/master/Kubernetes/flannel/l2bridge/manifests/node-selector-patch.yml
  • Patch kube-proxy with the downloaded one

    kubectl patch ds/kube-proxy --patch "$(cat node-selector-patch.yml)" -n=kube-system
  • Check kube-proxy status

    kubectl get ds -n kube-system
  • Download node-selector-patch

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Microsoft/SDN/master/Kubernetes/flannel/l2bridge/manifests/node-selector-patch.yml

Modify Flannel Networking

Follow the below step if you already have flannel on your cluster. If you have deployed through kube-flannel-mod.yml from this repo skip 1 to 3.

  1. Change flannel ConfigMap

    kubectl edit cm -n kube-system kube-flannel-cfg
  2. Edit cni-conf.json section like below

    cni-conf.json: |
      "name": "vxlan0",
      "plugins": [
          "type": "flannel",
          "delegate": {
            "hairpinMode": true,
            "isDefaultGateway": true
          "type": "portmap",
          "capabilities": {
            "portMappings": true
  3. Also modify net-conf.json section like below

    net-conf.json: |
      "Network": "",
      "Backend": {
        "Type": "vxlan",
        "VNI" : 4096,
        "Port": 4789

Check and put your pod-cidr in Network section

  1. Patch kube-flannel
    kubectl patch ds/kube-flannel-ds-amd64 --patch "$(cat node-selector-patch.yml)" -n=kube-system

Windows minion preparation

I am using Windows Server 2019 with Desktop Environment x64. All the below commands will be executed on powershell.

  • Install Docker on Windows Node

    Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Repository PSGallery -Force
    Install-Package -Name Docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider
    Restart-Computer -Force
  • Start Docker

    Start-Service docker
  • Create directory for kubernetes

    mkdir C:\kube; cd C:\kube
  • Download and stage Kubernetes packages. Download kubernetes-node-windows-amd64. Extract and Find kubeadm, kubectl, kubelet, and kube-proxy put all the files in C:\kube.

  • Copy Kubernetes certificate file from master node(From ~/.kube/config) to C:\kube directory.

  • Add paths to environment variables

    $env:Path += ";C:\kube"; $env:KUBECONFIG="C:\kube\config"; [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";C:\kube", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("KUBECONFIG", "C:\kube\config", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)

Joining Windows Minion to Master

I am using Windows Server 2019 with Desktop Environment x64. All the below commands will be executed on powershell.

  • Download Script

    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Microsoft/SDN/master/Kubernetes/flannel/start.ps1 -o c:\k\start.ps1
  • Go to C:\kube

    cd C:\kube
  • Join Flannel Cluster. Replace IP_OF_WINDOWS_NODE with node IP.

    .\start.ps1 -ManagementIP <IP_OF_WINDOWS_NODE> -NetworkMode overlay -InterfaceName Ethernet -Verbose

Test Windows Node

  • Get YAML

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Microsoft/SDN/master/Kubernetes/flannel/l2bridge/manifests/simpleweb.yml -O win-webserver.yaml
  • Deploy on K8s

    kubectl apply -f .\win-webserver.yaml
  • Check Status

    kubectl get pods -o wide -w