
Module 1's online coursework suppliment

Primary LanguageHTML

 ___ __ __   ______   ______   __  __   __       ______     ____        
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Module 1's online coursework suppliment

day one

Pure Basics

  1. internet infographic
  2. origin of programming languages
  3. programming language ranking

Module 1 MacBook Setup

  1. join GitHub
  2. brew homepage

setup brew

  • xcode-select --install

  • ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

  • brew doctor

  • brew list

  1. cask homepage _or ez way copy
  • paste in Terminal: brew tap caskroom/cask
  1. Install Sublime
  • brew cask install sublime-text
  1. Install Node
  • brew install node
  • node -v
  1. Install NPM
  • sudo npm install npm -g
  • npm -v

hw one

  • "ok create a project" in github featuring a boilerplate index.html file and a readme.md file
  • second thing, if you want to try to style your MD a pretty good reference is dillinger.io
  • third thing, go ahead and use an HTML boilerplate and just copy paste the code online. Having to manually type in a blank HTML document is crude an a waste of your time.

how do you expect me to even do this?

  1. log into your GitHub

  2. click the + in the upper right and select Create New Repo

  3. call the repo homework1

  4. initialize that Repo with a Readme.MD file by pressing the right checkbox during the creation screen

  5. now we want to work on the boilerplate

  6. find a HTML5 boilerplate online or use this one

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

  1. press create new file from the github.com new repo page you just created
  2. call that file index.html
  3. paste in the boilerplate
  4. profit

day 3

  <form action="http://www.example.com/login.php">

    <p>Favourite Phrase
      <textarea>words yo...</textarea>

      <input type="password">

     Who said that

      Is famous?
      <input type="checkbox">

<p>Please select your favorite genre:

<br />

  You have got to give radio buttons a "name" field

<input type="radio"/> Rock

<input type="radio"/>Pop

<input type="radio"/>Timmy

<input type="radio"/>Lassie
      Which Crips member are you?
    <select name="crips">

      <option value="big stacey">Big Stacey</option>
      <option value="big stacey">Big Worm</option>
      <option value="big stacey">Big C Locc</option>
      <option value="big stacey">Small C</option>
      <option value="big stacey">Snoop Dogg</option>
      <option value="big stacey">---</option>
      <option value="big stacey">Decline to Identify</option>


Lesson 4

What happened in class Review


  • add an image to your index.html file with the img tag.
  • find an URL of an image on the internet somehwere and copy paste that url into the src="" part of your img' tag in order to display said image in a JS bin`
  • do this in JS bin first so you can check that it works, and when you are done paste it into your index.html on GitHub thus updating that file.
  • your index.html file should now have an image in it as well as all the former things
  • don't worry about where the image is physically in the file, just put it somewhere that looks good

Homework part two (2):

  • take a screen shot of you succesfully web instpecting the image found on a regular site, like maybe, [ "nytimes", "nypost", "espn", or something like that]

Lesson 6

Homework is to find images online, hack the width using the method below so that way you can use an image you found even if its too large.

Combine various html elements, such as ul li p span h1 & div's in order to make your image mellee. Use at least 10 (ten) images and use all of the html elements above, keeping in mind if they are block or inline.

Here are the links to the block v inline block elements

inline elements


      <img src="http://www.promicabana.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Charlie-Sheen-Comedy-Central-Roast-2.jpg" width="220">
      <img src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/09/26/opinion/26ENDORSE-WEB-BW/26ENDORSE-WEB-BW-superJumbo-v2.jpg" width="300">

Lesson 7

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>sample page</title>
<body style="background: #3c4f35;">
<header style="background: #f4a45e;">
<h1>welcome to my sic site yoh</h1>
<nav style="background: OliveDrab; display: block; float: left; width: 100%">
		<li style="list-style: none; float: left; "><a href="">ruby roo</a></li>
		<li style="list-style: none; float: left; "><a href="">ruby roo</a></li>
		<li style="list-style: none; float: left; "><a href="">ruby roo</a></li>

<div id="content" style="clear: both; border: 1px solid green">
	<h1>article title</h1>
		<img alt="pic of girl" src="images/MV5BNjk0ODUyOTk1M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDUxNDYzOTE@._V1_.jpg">
		<p>i woudl really <a href="her_info.html">learn</a> about her</p>



  • make your own website
  • always start with a index.html page and additional something.html and more if you feel comfortable
  • make a image folder and download about 7 (seven) images off the web to use there a handfull of images, so keep them in all in there
  • make relative links to the images
  • make sure you make the navbar important using ul li and a tags I don't care if it just looks like a bulleted list of links, I can show you how that gets stylized in order to make look right later, just do the basics now.
  • make relative links to the other html files using a navbar
  • use layout on page 432 of the book

How do I turn this in?

  • since you made this website in it's own folder probably on your desktop...
  • go to your homework repo
  • click on upload files
  • drag the folder from your desktop to this window, then click upload
  • then it will show the foldername in your repo all nice and you can click around in there to verify

Lesson 8

  • Objective: add more things to your mini_site
  • Objective: use github the right way


  1. add more things to site
  2. Make a git commit and push master branch to the git origin which is your online repo

Lesson 9

** mini git workflow **

if pull request

  • go on github.com
  • accept pull request
  • git pull

if pull requests are all fixed

  • do coding
  • git add -A .
  • git commit -m "commit message"
  • git push origin master

Session 10

** homework **

  • utilise page 413 to add a background image to a div, remember to get the path of the image right, something like ../images/image_name.jpg
  • utilise font family on page 273, use a font stack from there on one or all of your elements, probably start with the body and it will cascade down.
  • or if your feeling fun you can use a commonly accepted font stack from here http://www.cssfontstack.com/

Session 11

*** homework **

  • make a new html document in your repo called div_time.html
  • wire up a style.css file to it in a /css directory
  • I don't care about images for now
  • you have to use the following divs
  • make two .feature div's display: inline-block; margin: 0 auto; and width: 300px;, remember to force it to be this way
  • make five div's total on the page, header hero footer are all 100% width so they will be easy
  • put box shadows on some div's
  • put border-radius on all div's
  • put borders on divs
|________ header div ___________

|_________ hero div ____________

   |__feature__| |__feature__|

|_________ footer div ___________

Session 12

** homework reviews**

don't let this be you

** in class **

  • HTML 5 tags review

  • Links, simple example, img background example

  • Lists, page 330

  • Tables, page 330

** homework **

  • make a junky looking ul with li items into stylish menu bar
  • wrap the ul and li in a nav element
  • clear out your current repo into level1 folder
  • work on this in a clean workspace in your repo
  • in class example was http://jsbin.com/howezagunu/1/edit?html,css,output
  • k thx bye

Session 'lucky' 13

If the margin property has one value:

margin: 25px;
all four margins are 25px
If the margin property has two values:

margin: 0 auto;
top and bottom margins are 0
right and left margins are auto

this one is dead simple you should know it

If the margin property has four values:

margin: 25px 50px 75px 100px;
top margin is 25px
right margin is 50px
bottom margin is 75px
left margin is 100px


    .row {
        width: 1000px;
        margin: 0 auto;

  1. just setup the rows like how http://nypl.org
  2. do child and child and child elements inside of each row
  3. try to put in the same content kind of of how nypl.org has it on their homepage
  4. move your old work out of your repo and put this in the root of your repo
  5. I want lots of div's and child divs

class fourteen (14)


# 3 main areas
1. header (with following things in it)
2. div#content
3. footer



			img src="???"
			img src="???"



class 15 intro to JS

DOMContentLoaded https://codepen.io/LukeAskew/pen/LnJsE


study this index.html found here to learn how to wire up your app.js file https://github.com/zackn9ne/module1_set1/tree/master/js_ex1

  1. wire up a index.html
  2. wire up a js folder
  3. wire up a js/app.js file
  4. dont worry about css file seriously, just dont'
  5. put all the following JS in your brand new js/app.js file. Go with the most basic js method I can think of which is:
    document.write("Hello World!");

  1. optional: add a JS alert
  2. DOM Ready is awesome, attempt this 100% you must attempt. Info on DOM Ready https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/DOMContentLoaded:
// post DOM loaded
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){

// put code that waits for DOM

}, false);

class 16 JS Episode 2


  • If you didn't do 15 you better do it
  • If you did do 15:

a. use document.getElementByID

b. use .style method in order to apply some css to the element you targeted in a

  • Heres what you need to do:
document.getElementById('yourElement').style.SOMETHING = 'somevalue';

class 17 JS Episode 3

In class we covered Data Types and Operators the pages numbers are in JS Syntax below as a fun joke:

  • var dataTypesPageNumber = 62;
  • var operatorsPageNumber = 75;

Here are the basics we went over in class, (found in this repo), here is the link https://github.com/zackn9ne/module1_set1/tree/master/session_17

assignment 17

  • make an assignment_17 folder
  • make an assignment_17/js folder
  • make an assignment_17/index.html file
  • make an assignment_17/js/app.js file
  • wire all these together
  • do some js
  • I want to see 1. string variable 2. numeric variable
  • document.write( yourVariable )
  • document.write( yourNumericVariable )

#class 18

  • Data Types pg. 62

  • Array's pg. 70

  • Functions pg. 86

  • Functions pg. 96 (function dec's v function expressions

  • Objects 100

  • Boomerang back to Operators pg. 75 (right column)

assignment 18

  • JS Data Assignment