
A slimmed down version of Automatic's Grunion Form, removing styling

Primary LanguageJavaScript

=== Grunion Contact Form ===
Contributors: mdawaffe, automattic, nickmomrik
Tags: WordPress.com, contact form, email
Stable tag: 2.0
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.1

Add a contact form to any post, page or text widget. Messages will be sent to any email address you choose. As seen on WordPress.com.

== Description ==

Add a contact form to any post or page by inserting `[contact-form]` in the post.  Messages will be sent to the post's author or any email address you choose.

Or add a contact form ta a text widget.  Messages will be sent to the email address set in your Settings -> General admin panel or any email address you choose.

Your email address is never shown, and the sender never learns it (unless you reply to the email).

As seen on WordPress.com.

= Configuration =

The `[contact-form]` shortcode has the following parameters:

* `to`: A comma separated list of email addresses to which the messages will be sent.
  If you leave this blank: contact forms in posts and pages will send messages to the post or page's author; and
  contact forms in text widgets will send messages to the email address set in Settings -> General.

  Example: `[contact-form to="you@me.com"]`

  Example: `[contact-form to="you@me.com,me@you.com,us@them.com"]`

* `subject`: The e-mail subject of the message defaults to `[{Blog Title}] {Sidebar}` for text widgets
  and `[{Blog Title}] {Post Title}` for posts and pages. Set your own default with the subject option.

  Example: `[contact-form subject="My Contact Form"]`

* `show_subject`: You can allow the user to edit the subject by showing a new field on the form. The
  field will be populated with the default subject or the subject you have set with the previous option.

  Example: `[contact-form subject="My Contact Form" show_subject="yes"]`

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What's a Grunion? =

The plugin was written in Southern California, home of an unusual fish call the [Grunion](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grunion).
There's no correlation between fish and contact forms as far as I can tell; it's just a fun sounding word that's geographically apropos.

= What about spam? Will I get a lot from the contact form? =

If you have [Akismet](http://akismet.com/) installed on your blog, you shouldn't get much spam.
All the messages people send to you through the contact form will be filtered through Akismet.

= Anyone can put whatever they want in the name and email boxes. How can I know who's really sending the message? =

If a logged member of your site sends you a message, the end of the email will let you know that the message was sent by a verified user.
Otherwise, you can't trust anything... just like a blog comment.

Anonymity is both a curse and a blessing :)

= My blog has multiple authors. Who gets the email? =

By default, the email is sent to the author of the post with the contact form in it. So each author on your blog can have his or her own contact form.

In the contact form shortcode, you can specify what email address(es) messages should be sent to with the `to` parameter.

= Great! But how will my visitors know who they're sending a message to? =

Just make the title of your post "Contact Mary" or put "Hey, drop John a line with the form below" in the body of your post.

== Changelog ==

= 1.2 =
* Fix a PHP Warning in some CGI evironments.

= 1.1 =
* Move to shortcode API.
* Add `to`, `subject` and `show-subject` options.
* Allow use in text widgets.
* Move spam check to a filter.

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.2 =
Fixes a PHP Warning.

= 1.1 =
Now with more options!