Vinyl Wall Mount

This project is a simple 3d printable Vinyl Wall Mount.

Vinyl Wall Mount Diagram

Vinyl Wall Mount on Wall Vinyl Wall Mount close-up (1) Vinyl Wall Mount close-up (2)

Copyright 2019 Rudy Matela, Some Rights Reserved

This project available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 License.


  • vinyl-wall-mount-0.1.pdf: original hand-drawn version.
  • vinyl-wall-mount-0.2.pdf: updated hand-drawn version.
  • vinyl-wall-mount.pdf: rendered view of the 3d modeled version
  • vinyl-wall-mount.stl: 3d modeled version, use this when actually printing

This project was originally conceived in 2019. It was finally published online in 2020.

The original hand drawings and idea were created by Rudy Matela in 2020-10-20 and 2020-10-31. The conversion into digital a 3d model was finished by Edro in 2019-11-11.

This project is also available on Thingiverse: Vinyl Wall Mount on Thingiverse