
  • One VGA adapter needs to be scanned per MacBook Pro otherwise there is no discount.
  • All the prices are in cents for simplicity.


  • The stipulated pricing rules are implemented in DefaultPricingRule. In case the pricing rules change, another subclass of BasePricingRule can be created and populated with the new default prices and policies.
  • Policies are also extensible in a way that new policies can be added the just need to implement the apply method that takes a item_array and modifies the pricings of the items.
  • The following test scenarios are implemented as integration test in spec/lib/checkout_spec.rb:
    • SKUs Scanned: atv, atv, atv, vga Total expected: $249.00
    • SKUs Scanned: atv, ipd, ipd, atv, ipd, ipd, ipd Total expected: $2718.95
    • SKUs Scanned: mbp, vga, ipd Total expected: $1949.98