
Periodic Twitter archive requests of @gccaedits

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository contains periodic Twitter archive requests of the @gccaedits account. If you'd like an update just open an issue here.

You should be able to clone/fork/download the repository and open a index.html, from a given accession, with your browser to view the archive up until 20190630. Beyond that, the format of the archive has changed, and each directory will contain a tweet.js file and tweet_media sub-directory:

This JSON file contains all the Tweets posted and not deleted. The definitions for each of the variables that may be included in any particular Tweet are available in our API documentation: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/post-and-engage/api-reference/post-statuses-update.

Folder of images, videos, and/or gifs shared in the account’s Tweets.


The contents of each accession's data directory and tweets.csv are Public Domain (CC0) licensed.