Fullscreen mode plugin for VIM.
I have seen that meanwhile there are a few of them. Pick whatever you like best. I had my reasons to write this, mostly for Windows, because I had issues with other plugins: the Vim window would still be covered by the taskbar at times, and an ugly grey border around the VIM text area window was left.
- Toggle Vim window fullscreen
- Maximize Vim window (I like to do this on Windows on startup)
- Works with MacVim and GVim on Windows (no fullscreen support on other systems yet)
On Windows, "true" fullscreen and maximize functionality requires the Python Win32 Extensions installed. Get them here:
Python Win32 Extensions on SourceForge
You will probably have to install the one matching the architecture of your VIM.
Please use your favorite plugin manager. Depending on the plugin manager used,
the line to be added to your .vimrc
should be one of:
NeoBundle 'ruedigerha/vim-fullscreen', { 'gui' : 1 }
Plug 'ruedigerha/vim-fullscreen'
Plugin 'ruedigerha/vim-fullscreen'
Offers two commands:
(key mapping:<Plug>(fullscreen_toggle)
(key mapping:<Plug>(fullscreen_maximize)
They do what the names suggest. No surprises there.
The default key mapping is Ctrl-Return
because it is slightly easier to type
than F11
on a notebook. You can map a different key for toggling fullscreen
mode on and off:
let g:vimfullscreen_default_keymap = 0
nmap <silent> <F11> <Plug>(fullscreen_toggle)
If you wish to maximize the VIM window on startup:
au GUIEnter * :MaximizeWindow