
codec of the Well Known google.protobuf.Struct type which generated by gogo protobuf

Primary LanguageGo


codec of the Well Known google.protobuf.Struct type which generated by gogo protobuf

Drop-in replacement for gogo's types.Struct

The ptypes.Struct is provided as a drop-in replacement for the gogo's types.Struct which doesn't be implemented with common Marshal/Unmarshal interfaces.

Currently ptypes.Struct is implemented by embedding gogo's types.Struct and with the following interfaces:

  • json.Marshaler and json.Unmarshaler (by gogo's jsonpb)
  • sql.Scanner and sql/driver.Valuer (by gogo's jsonpb)
  • bson.Marshaler and bson.Unmarshaler (by structbson)

Drop-in example

Please take ./example a look.

syntax = "proto3";
package example;

import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";

message MyMessage {
    google.protobuf.Struct payload = 1;

And please take ./example/gen.sh a look as well. There is how to tell the gogo output plugin to replace the Struct with our one.


BSON Codec

Convert the gogo's types.Struct from and to bson

MongoDB example

package main

import (

func main() {
    // MUST first replace bson's DefaultRegistry with the one in structbson
    bson.DefaultRegistry = structbson.DefaultRegistry

    s := types.Struct{Fields:map[string]*types.Value{
        "_id": {Kind: &types.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "str"}},
    // connect mongoclient

    res, err := mongoclient.Database("db").Collection("collection").InsertOne(ctx, s)
    // handle err and response 

BSON manipulation

more details in test cases