
A PostgreSQL proxy that can map multiple PGs into one entry. And easy to do query rewrite in golang.

Primary LanguageGo


A simple postgresql proxy that can map multiple pg instances into one entry by a static YAML configuration.

The proxy is built with pgbroker, which makes it easy to support dynamic database mappings from an external resource controller and modification on data transferred between client and pg in streaming or per message manner.


docker pull rueian/pgbroker-static:latest



See ./example/config.yml

  entrydb:                  # <- the database name you sent in the Startup Message
    datname: postgres       # <- the actual database name of the target pg instance
    address: postgres:5432  # <- the actual tcp address of the target pg instance


See ./docker-compose.yml

Dynamic database mapping from an external resource controller

Please checkout the godemand-example project, which uses godemand as an external http resource controller for dynamic pg mapping.