
Constrained Shortest Path First algorithm

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Constrained Shortest Path First

GoDoc License Build Status Coverage Status Go Report Card


This package implements the Constrained Shortest Path First algorithm with a generic tag system and condition-matching engine powered by gval.

CSPF theory abridged

Let's assume we have the following graph, consisting of 5 vertices and edges belonging to two different categories: red and blue. With CSPF it is possible to find out what the shortest path that connects vertex A to vertex E and that includes only red edges is.

CSPF uses a slightly modified version of the Dijkstra algorithm. For each round of the Dijkstra algorithm, it considers only the edges that match the constraint expression. This is basically equivalent to pruning the edges that do not satisfy the constraint from the initial graph and then runnning the Dijkstra algorithm.

API Documentation

Documentation can be found here.


Here is an example that shows how to create a graph with labeled edges and call the CSPF algorithm on it. The graph in this example is the same showed in the theory section.

// Create a graph with five vertices.
// A -> B -> C -> E
// A -> D -> E
var graph cspf.Graph
a := cspf.Vertex{ID: "A"}
b := cspf.Vertex{ID: "B"}
c := cspf.Vertex{ID: "C"}
d := cspf.Vertex{ID: "D"}
e := cspf.Vertex{ID: "E"}

// Create red and blue tag
tagBlue := cspf.Tag{
    Key:   "link",
    Value: "blue",
tagRed := cspf.Tag{
    Key:   "link",
    Value: "red",

// Add the edges with labels
graph.AddEdge(a, b, 2, tagRed)
graph.AddEdge(b, c, 2, tagRed)
graph.AddEdge(c, e, 2, tagRed)
graph.AddEdge(a, d, 1, tagBlue)
graph.AddEdge(d, e, 1, tagBlue)

// Run the CSPF algorithm to
// derive the graph containing
// the shortest path from A to E that 
// includes only red edges.
cspfGraph, _ := graph.CSPF(a, d, `link == "red"`)

// List the path from vertex A
// to vertex E.
paths := cspfGraph.Paths(a, e)

// Output: [[{{A} {B} 2 map[link:red]} {{B} {C} 2 map[link:red]} {{C} {E} 2 map[link:red]}]]

Benchmarks and performance

This package is in its early stages and there is room for improvements. Below benchmark's stats are the results of 20 repetitions with a fully-connected graph of 100 vertices. CSPF is much slower than normal SPF (Dijkstra) due to the additional complexity added by gval to parse and evalaute the generic expressions.

goos: darwin
goarch: amd64

name      time/op
SPF-16     740µs ± 2%
Paths-16  24.7µs ± 3%
CSPF-16   3.87ms ± 4%

name      alloc/op
SPF-16    55.3kB ± 0%
Paths-16  15.2kB ± 0%
CSPF-16   1.10MB ± 0%

name      allocs/op
SPF-16       144 ± 0%
Paths-16     208 ± 0%
CSPF-16    29.9k ± 0%


The cspf package is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for details.

Contributing and bug reports

This package surely needs your help and feedbacks. You are welcome to open a new issue here on GitHub.