
Natural Language Processing for fbtrex

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

NLP with Python for Facebook Mining


In this review I present a non-exhaustive list tools for analyzing a text corpus using Python. I will use state-of-the-art NLP techniques to mine Facebook user's text from their posts.

Requirements (tools and libs)

  • The code uses python3, it can be easily backported to python2 if needed, but that's up to you.
  • This notebook can be easily viewed here in GitHub or nbviewer. The preferred way to run the code is to clone the repository and install Jupyter. However If you want to be able to recompute some parts without using your own jupyter, you can try the awesome Binder (currently in beta), although it won't work for extra modules such as NLPs libs. (Optional: Install the Spyder IDE which provides IPython integration).
  • NLP libraries: mainly only spaCy and gensim. In the future maybe try Stanford's CoreNLP. I will avoid using mainstream NLTK for a number of reasons.
  • Standard Python scientific stack is needed. You can install it through the conda package manager, through your package manager distribution, or using pip, Python's own package manager.

Modules used utilize Pandas for data analysis and naive visualization, scikit-learn for comparative machine learning.


As a team member, I'm proud to say that the datasets are the result of a collective effort of the Facebook Tracking Exposed project and can be easily retrieved from the GitHub repo.

If you are thinking to go beyond testing the generously provided models, and you want to learn how to make bots to crawl Facebook yourself and build your own datasets, refer to the main fbtrex project backend (UPDATE: I'm currently working on fbtrex guide for wannabe researchers).

At the moment fbtrex allows one to crawl public posts from single users thus exposing Facebook's filter bubble. To have a more comprehensive analysis it's useful to compare these bubbles not only between themselves, but also with all the posts of a public page. This feature is not currently implemented (we are trying) although the posts of a single page can be retrieved via Facebook's own Graph API (you will actually need a developer token to do this).

Setting up

While working with NLP it's often convenient to work with virtual environments. Some of the tools provided are frequently upgraded with new functionalities, while others are subject to model and architecture changes. Having different toolchains allows one to compare the different modules and find the best tools fit for the nlp tasks.

If you already know what is right for your job you can install everything in the global Python without using virtual enviroments, but remember that Python provides native sandbox creation and management thus allowing to keep a clean global environment while still having a bleeding edge development branch in production.

Virtual Environment

Python 3.3+ comes with a module called venv. For applications that require an older version of Python, virtualenv is to be used.

#Create a nlp virtual environment for efficient sandboxing
python -m venv nlp

Running this command creates a nlp directory in this nb directory and places a pyvenv.cfg file in it with a home key pointing to the Python installation from which the command was run. It also creates a bin subdirectory containing a copy of the python binary. It also creates an (initially empty) lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages subdirectory, where pip installed modules will end up.

#Activate nlp venv
source nlp/bin/activate

Note: You don't specifically need to activate an environment; activation just prepends the virtual environment's binary directory to your path, so that "python" invokes the virtual environment's Python interpreter and you can run installed scripts without having to use their full path. However, all scripts installed in a virtual environment should be runnable without activating it, and run with the virtual environment's Python automatically.

Note2: If you are using Spyder IDE, remember to change Python interpreter's path: Tools -> Preferences -> Python interpreter -> ~/nlp/bin/python3

Install core deps

Most of these tools can be installed globally via your linux distribution's package manager. If you are working with the nlp virtual environment as suggested, you can now use pip to install the modules.

#Install minimal scientific python stack
pip install pandas && pip install scikit-learn

Note: If you already have installed some package via pip you can upgrade to latest version with "pip install -U ModelName"

Install NLP modules

Let's begin our journey using only spaCy for data analysis. We will also use gensim to provide unsupervised training for our model.

I suggest to try the alpha version, which is provided via the spacy-nightly module. Basic and API documentation can be found in the alpha spaCy subdomain. For the soon-legacy documentation refer to main domain.

#Install the alpha spacy2.0 instead of 1.9
pip install spacy-nightly

Once installed, we can move on to download the available spaCy language models. You can also build your own models using spaCy's integrated machine learning library Thinc.

I reckon that the provided models work fine for my purposes although I'd prefer having better integration with different languages such as Spanish and Italian; if you have time to spare please contribute to language support.

#Download core English model
spacy download en_core_web_sm
#Download Spanish model
spacy download es_core_web_sm

For phrase modeling, topic mining and word2vec analyss we are actually going to use gensim, a less newer library than spacy, but still up-to-date.

#Install gensim
pip install gensim


To really appreciate this work you will have to try it out yourself. The Jupyter project provides an IPython console in which you can run code on your machine. If you are in a virtual env you will have to rebuild the IPython kernel after you installed all the core deps and modules:

#Activate nlp venv
source nlp/bin/activate
#Create new customized kernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=nlp

To use this kernel launch Jupyter in the traditional way: "jupyter-notebook nlp". A new local webpage will open in your browser. From the navigation bar pick Kernel -> Change Kernel -> nlp.


There are many ways of contributing to NLP analysis on Facebook! You can help the fbtrex project to build new datasets and write a notebook about it. If you speak a different language than English, please consider improving SpaCy's language support.