
Primary LanguageTypeScript

  • We define our GraphQL schema in SDL.
    • You have Query and Mutation types.
    • You have any user-defined types (like Cat).
    • You can define input types (like CatParams).
  • You need resolvers.
    • You have Query and Mutation namespaces.
    • But you can also have namespaces for any individual type you want.
    • E.g., Cat#friends.
  • You create your executable schema using graphql-tools. This is a helper library for graphql from Apollo.
    • Facebook's graphql-js will invoke methods for you when doing nested queries, but it only has top-level Query resolvers.
    • graphql-tools lets you separate resolver logic from models.
  • Once you have the executable schema, you can query it directly using graphql-js's graphql method. Queries are in SDL. If you name a query, you can pass it variables $catParams.
  • Alternatively, you can use express-graphql. This gives you a graphqlHTTP middleware.


  • TypeGraphQL.
  • Authentication/Authorization:
    • graphql-resolvers (combineResolvers)
    • The FB Graphql docs recommend doing authorization in the business logical layer, rather than in the resolver.
    • You can get the authed user because the express Request object is passed in as the context to your resolvers.
  • Dataloader.
  • Look into Relay (Apollo is an alternative for this, right?).