Finished writing compiler/parser/et cetera.
Now need to write the network in Keras.
Layer 1
- Conv2D with 32 filters, kernel size (3, 3), valid padding, relu.
- Conv2D with 32 filters, kernel size (3, 3), valid padding, relu.
- MaxPooling2D with pool size (2, 2).
- 25% dropout.
Layer 2
Repeat, but with 64 filters.
Layer 3
Repeat, but with 128 filters.
Layer 4
- Flatten.
- Dense connection to 1024 units, with relu.
- Dropout of 30%.
- Dense connection to 1024 units again, with relu.
- Dropout of 30%.
Uses 48 tokens of context.
- LSTM with 128 units. No dropout.
- Second LSTM with 128 units. No dropout.
Repeat the image features, and concatenate with the LSTM features.
- LSTM with 512 units.
- LSTM with 512 units.
- Final output: connect to a dense layer of N units, do softmax.
Used RMSprop. Clipped gradient values at 1.0.
- Used a 256x256 image.
- Batch size of 64 with 10 epochs.