Linguo is a Go Natural Language Processing library.
Linguo is based on go-freeling, which is a port of Freeling. Linguo started as an attempt to clean up and improve go-freeling, adding more features on top of it.
This is still a WIP and more documentation will follow.
go get -u
import ""
engine := linguo.NewEngine()
engine.InitNLP("./data", "en")
result := engine.NLP.Workflow("Linguo was a grammar-correcting robot created by Lisa Simpson.")
Note: Linguo uses MITIE for entity extraction, so be sure to have it installed. On MacOS you can just install it with Homebrew:
$ brew install mitie
See examples/example.go
$ go run examples/example.go
Sentence: "Linguo was a grammar-correcting robot created by Lisa_Simpson ."
* [NP] Linguo (linguo) 1.0000%
* [VBD] was (be) 1.0000%
* [DT] a (a) 0.5000%
* [VBG] grammar-correcting (grammar-correcting) 1.0000%
* [NN] robot (robot) 1.0000%
* [VBN] created (create) 0.8027%
* [IN] by (by) 0.9972%
* [NP] Lisa_Simpson (lisa_simpson) 1.0000%
* [Fp] . (.) 1.0000%
Sentence: "It is from the eighteenth episode of Season_12 ."
* [PRP] It (it) 1.0000%
* [VBZ] is (be) 1.0000%
* [IN] from (from) 1.0000%
* [DT] the (the) 1.0000%
* [JJ] eighteenth (18) 0.6002%
* [NN] episode (episode) 1.0000%
* [IN] of (of) 0.9999%
* [NP] Season_12 (season_12) 1.0000%
* [Fp] . (.) 1.0000%
* [PERSON] Linguo 0.6144
* [PERSON] Lisa Simpson 1.4056
Unknown entities:
* Season 12 (1)