
Updated translations for 'fr': French (français, langue française)

PoorPocketsMcNewHold opened this issue · 5 comments

I was checking all the extensions, i´ve add to forcely install an older version of due to my recent install of Waterfox, and, by surprise, this will be the only extension i won´t be able to use on my web browser. And, while i was searching for older .xpi packages compatible with my version of firefox, that i´ve found that i could suggest new translations, so, here´s one in French.

Updated translations for 'fr': French (français, langue française):

    // manifest.json
    "extensionName": {
        "message": "Mastodon - Fédération simplifiée !",
        "description": "Name of the extension.",
        "hash": "8c716f7803f220414804500b514a1dc0"
    "extensionNameShort": {
        "message": "Mastodon - Fédération simplifiée !",
        "description": "Name of the extension.",
        "hash": "8c716f7803f220414804500b514a1dc0"
    "extensionDescription": {
        "message": "Simplifie le suivi ou l´interaction avec d´autres utilisateurs sur des instances (Mastodon) extérieures.",
        "description": "Description of the extension.",
        "hash": "61083256339a41f90d4db1bfa89532b6"

    // errors or other messages (mostly for settings)
    "errorShowingMessage": {
        "message": "Impossible d´afficher ce message.",
        "description": "When there is an error when showing the error/info/….",
        "hash": "a9440e4f824a372841d4de2b7e2643ee"
    "couldNotLoadOptions": {
        "message": "Impossible de charger les paramètres.",
        "description": "When one or all settings could not be loaded.",
        "hash": "9497a5d2c9473aeb2ed9601f46c456be"
    "couldNotSaveOption": {
        "message": "Impossible de charger ce paramètre.",
        "description": "When a setting could not be saved.",
        "hash": "6bcb9e36d2c33172b948515a9c50aa8e"
    "messageUndoButton": {
        "message": "Annuler",
        "description": "The text of a button that undoes the last action.",
        "hash": "a85e775d7404b86c8060a20efd31241c"
    "couldNotUndoAction": {
        "message": "Impossible d’annuler cette action.",
        "description": "Shown when an action cannot be undone.",
        "hash": "d2883c6ca0164afc4f360f3e02e3166a"
    "resettingOptionsWorked": {
        "message": "Touts les paramètres ont été remis par défaut !",
        "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings were reset.",
        "hash": "257b99ed2a074fccbfc658d770b50107"
    "resettingOptionsFailed": {
        "message": "Impossible de réinitialiser les paramètres !",
        "description": "The message shown, when the options of the settings could not have been reset.",
        "hash": "76e950d2db72a824482411ca6564fb1f"

    // errors or other messages for specific settings
    "mastodonHandleIsEmpty": {
        "message": "Veuillez entrer un compte Mastodon. Sans cela, l’extension ne fonctionnera pas.",
        "description": "This is an error shown, when the user did not (yet) enter a Mastodon account.",
        "hash": "ee5babc05bd20be8fc70189b26c31fc8"
    "mastodonHandleIsInvalid": {
        "message": "Le compte Mastodon que vous avez rentré est invalide.",
        "description": "This is an error shown, when the Mastodon handle the user entered is not valid.",
        "hash": "6cf4f0cecc601398c99f9a1afab1dc09"
    "mastodonHandleDoesNotExist": {
        "message": "L’utilisateur Mastodon que vous avez indiqué n´existe pas sur ce serveur.",
        "description": "This is an error shown, when the Mastodon handle the user entered does not exist on the server, i.e. the server returns a 404 error.",
        "hash": "510bf6395054f816063b1dbb6b226b8c"
    "mastodonHandleServerCouldNotBeContacted": {
        "message": "Le serveur (Mastodon) indiqué n´a pas pu être contacté.",
        "description": "This is an error shown, when the last part of Mastodon handle (= the server) could not be contacted, due to a network (likely DNS) error and thus likely due to a typo or another problem.",
        "hash": "77c3f0fc23bc9a39d82d6ba80def8fdb"
    "isNoMastodonServer": {
        "message": "Le serveur indiqué n´est pas une instance de Mastodon",
        "description": "This is an error shown, when the last part of Mastodon handle (= the server) is actually no Mastodon server.",
        "hash": "a32698c492feb27656ece403e4bb5d3f"
    "mastodonHandleCheckFailed": {
        "message": "Échec de la vérification du compte Mastodon entré.",
        "description": "This is an error shown, when the server that has been contacted to verify the handle returned an unexpected response.",
        "hash": "63eda9bccc85c46e7694fb4ec9a7527d"
    "addonIsNotYetSetup": {
        "message": "Cet extension n’est pas configurée. Vous devez entrer votre compte Mastodon dans les paramètres.",
        "description": "This is an error shown, when the user did not (yet) setup the whole add-on. Semantically it is the same as mastodonHandleIsEmpty, but this one is used in the notification.",
        "hash": "bbc3ea93d61ef757d572c5e8a67462d8"
    "couldNotRedirect": {
        "message": "Impossible de rediriger à cause d´une erreur soudaine.",
        "description": "Generic error shown when redirecting fails.",
        "hash": "e46a9b3ba7502d7b5d399f0b9461fc82"

    // notification errors
    "errorNotificationRedirectingTitle": {
        "message": "“$ADDON$” a échoué à rediriger",
        "description": "Title of a notification if an error is shown when trying to redirect.",
        "placeholders": {
            "addon": { "content": "$1", "example": "Mastodon – Simplified Federation!" }
        "hash": "22b6584d75bbe237f649b1acb1368f3e"
    "errorNotificationNotSetupTitle": {
        "message": "“$ADDON$” n´est pas encore configuré",
        "description": "Title of a notification if an error is shown when the add-on is not set up yet. In contrast to errorNotificationRedirectingTitle this is only shown for this one error. See also addonIsNotYetSetup.",
        "placeholders": {
            "addon": { "content": "$1", "example": "Mastodon – Simplified Federation!" }
        "hash": "293c7d2237453337466f497c7f96a483"
    "errorNotificationAdjustSettings": {
        "message": "$ERROR$ Cliquez pour ajuster les paramètres.",
        "description": "Wrapper shown if an error happened to point the user to the settings. It is used in the description of the notification.",
        "placeholders": {
            "error": { "content": "$1", "example": "Please enter a Mastodon handle. Without it, the add-on will not work." }
        "hash": "bb59597ed9b522c05b451cb4dce628e3"

    // options
    "someSettingsAreManaged": {
        "message": "Certaines options sont gérées par l´administrateur système et ne peut être changé.",
        "description": "The message, which appears, when settings are pre-defined (as managed options) by administrators.",
        "hash": "148604ebbeb7df28974d8233f1418d1f"
    "optionIsDisabledBecauseManaged": {
        "message": "Cette option est désactivée, car il a été configuré par votre administrateur système.",
        "description": "The title (tooltip) shown, when hovering over a disabled, managed option.",
        "hash": "50fb70682c64e1a1fb4d8884b33cca64"
    "optionLearnMore": {
        "message": "En savoir plus",
        "description": "When a link to an explainer needs to be added, this is the link text.",
        "hash": "9085b09f4748be12ab0c241d2e643b31"
    "optionsResetButton": {
        "message": "Réinitialiser tous les paramètres par défaut",
        "description": "The button to delete all current settings and load the defaults, shown in the add-on settings.",
        "hash": "4bb60c6c7e7b9e2ff987c244e76ee044"
    "optionMastodonHandle": {
        "message": "Votre compte Mastodon :",
        "description": "This is an option shown in the add-on settings. You can enter your handle in the format there.",
        "hash": "c3056895503de22349f1b77062b3bbd3"
    "optionMastodonHandlePlaceholder": {
        "message": "vous@mastodon.example",
        "description": "This is placeholder shown for the Mastodon handle input. Try to give an example on format the user has to use to enter the ID as here. Do not use a real server name and do not promote any really existing user.",
        "hash": "9a20059d2d16dfb7e731226187c04836"
    "optionMastodonHandleHelper": {
        "message": "Veuillez entrer votre lien Mastodon dans le format « utilisateur@domaineserveur »",
        "description": "An explanatory text shown to the user in the settings to explain what format they have to enter the Mastodon handle. It should not hint to any example (that's what the placeholder is for), but explain the general format.",
        "hash": "5e2a6e34c5fed46740dc238f1cc7768a"

    // ARIA labels/descriptions for messages
    "dismissIconDescription": {
        "message": "Fermer ce message",
        "description": "the aria label for the close button of the message box",
        "hash": "632720ab193dcacba4286cb364124856"
    "ariaMessageInfo": {
        "message": "message d´information",
        "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an info message box",
        "hash": "5f54e42067e19895a2641b17a5233418"
    "ariaMessageSuccess": {
        "message": "message de succès",
        "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an success message box",
        "hash": "334387b4ae53483d17f11519a70dd3af"
    "ariaMessageError": {
        "message": "message d´erreur",
        "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an error message box",
        "hash": "fcda6eedc61727fe8aae7392a0a541a5"
    "ariaMessageWarning": {
        "message": "message d´avertissement",
        "description": "the aria label to label the message box as an warning message box",
        "hash": "8a5dd7528bead1ccd27cb7430d797bd2"

    "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "fr" }
rugk commented

Thanks for your translation.
Feel free to create the same translation as a pull request (so you will be properly credited in the commit history), if you want. (If so, please adjust the indentation to two spaces. This is a known issue.) Otherwise I'll soon do the PR by myself to get it merged.

Also notice there are more things to translate like the add-on listings on AMO etc. See the contributing guide for more information.

As for the Waterfox thing feel free to create a new issue. I have not looked into whether/how it can be supported. There you can also describe the steps, you've already tried.

Old versions of this add-on can be found at (though I have to say, I do not recommend to use any older version of this add-on.)

rugk commented

@PoorPocketsMcNewHold Do you want to create a PR for this?

Also note, currently there is the new Hacktoberfest 2019 running. Any PR there counts (if it is made in October). 😃
You may also have a look at all issues tagged with "hacktoberfest" in this repo or somewhere else.

rugk commented

Please also subscribe to #36 to get notified for new updates on translations etc. 😃

Sure thing, I’ll try to update the translation when doing the pull request. I’ll work on it offline, and PR this during October. (Already participated during the last year Hacktoberfer). This should allow me to complete everything, and do some supplementary verification.

rugk commented

Sounds good, thanks. 😃