
Building iOs and Android string translation files from shared CSV file. Building CSV file from translation files. Building JSON from CSV file

Primary LanguageJava


Building iOs and Android string translation files from shared CSV file. Building CSV file from translation files. Building JSON from CSV file

Commands: -automagic : Builds localisation files, if in current project directory from csv file found in current directory using those file as template -m : Set the mode of the manager, with argumants: wc - build csv from combined iOS and Android Strings files ws - build strings from cvs wcc - build strings from csv assumes file names localisation.csv for original file to be filed and localisation_with_keys.csv wjc - build json strings from csv in separate files in respect to language wjcs - build json strings from csv in single file

Example: m wjc -i : Set the name of ios strings file in containing folder, if omitted it will assume default name: Localizable.strings, or Localizables folder
-a : Set the name of Android strings file in containing folder, if omitted it will assume default name: strings.xml, or res folder -it : Set the name of ios file in containing folder used as template, if omitted it will assume default name: Localizable.strings -at : Set the name of Android file in containing folder used as template, if omitted it will assume default name: strings.xml -c : Name of the CVS file