
kubernetes journey man thinking out loud


kubeflix is a streaming service. And this repo contains all the services that make up the kubeflix stack. The main purpose of this project is to learn kubernetes and microservices in a real world scenario and what I will learn on this journey I will share with world. Its basically me thinking out loud.


  1. Get a local and a cloud based kubernetes running with a secure ingress.

  2. Microservices and associated architectural patterns( DDD, Pub/Sub, actors,...)

  3. Principal k8s objects(Deployments, Services, Ingresses, secrets, config,...)

  4. K8s manifests and helm charts(there is an alex ellis blog about this)

  5. CI/CD

  6. GitOps

  7. Statefulsets management(From the Ground up, CoackroachDB, Ceph, Minio,...).

  8. Communication Protocols and APIs(REST, gRPC, http/2,...)

  9. Production ready k8s microservice(observability, tls, secrets/config injection...)

  10. The Kubernetes Developer(Building platforms on top of kubernetes)