
Basic implementation of Blitz take home


RIOT_API_KEY=<...> mix summoners <player> <region>

Gory details

The Riot API requires an API key. We don't want that stored in the repo so we access it from the shell environment via System.get_env("RIOT_API_KEY") in the config/runtime.exs. Not config/config.exs because that grabs the value at COMPILE time. The most elegant way to supply this to the HTTP request is as the header: X-Riot-Token.

We want to publish an update to this console every 60 seconds for an hour. We accomplish this by:

:timer.send_interval(60_000, :minute)

in the GenServer `init`` function. [reference] (

The Riot API has two rate limits: 10/second and 200/minute We enforce this using [Hammer] (

To find a player to test it on, I hopped on and looked for an active LOL streamer. Found imaqtpie on the na1 server.

Riot seems to have two different notions of server: one is regional and the other is continental.

Some folk seem to have blank names so substituting <puuid> instead.