
RESTful API with ASP.NET Core Web API - Create and Consume

Primary LanguageC#

RESTful API with ASP.NET Core Web API

Build RESTful API with Authentication and learn how to consume them in ASP.NET Core in a real world application.


content ✔

  • How API Works?
  • Create National Park Model
  • Setup Database Connection
  • Push National Park to Database
  • National Park Repository Interface
  • National Park Repository
  • Why do we need DTO's?
  • NationalPark DTO
  • Create National Park Controller
  • Get all National Parks
  • HTTP Get Individual National Park
  • HTTP Post
  • HTTP Patch
  • HTTP Delete
  • NuGet Installation
  • Adding Swashbuckle to API
  • Open API Document
  • Swagger UI
  • XML Comments
  • Ignoring XML Comments Warnings
  • API Information
  • Response Types
  • Importance of AutoMapper
  • Trail Model and Trail DTO
  • Trail Repository and Interface
  • Trail API Controller
  • Seperating out DTO
  • Seperating Upsert Dto
  • Testing Trail API
  • Multiple Open API Documentation
  • API Versioning
  • Versioning Fix for POST Methods
  • Attribute Routing
  • Add Image to National Park
  • Create MVC Project
  • API Static Details
  • Run - time Compilation and HttpClient
  • Repository Interface
  • CreateAsync in Repository
  • Repository Other Methods
  • Models for Website
  • National Park and Trail Repository
  • Links and JS
  • Index Action Method
  • Javascript to Load Data Table
  • Complete Flow of Calls
  • Upsert Get Action Method
  • Upsert View
  • Upsert View Part 3
  • Upsert Post Action
  • Delete National Park
  • Trails View Model
  • Trail Controller
  • Trail Index Page
  • Trail js
  • Trail Upsert View
  • Common NET Core Error
  • Delete Trail

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This is a Beginner to Intermediate level course on ASP.NET Core Web API that will take you from the basics of building API to consuming them. This course is for anyone who is new to RESTful Web API's in ASP.NET Core or who is familiar with ASP.NET and wants to learn how to consume them effectively in an ASP.NET Core Web application. By the end of this course, you will be able to build a RESTful web service with Web API by yourself, make GET, POST, PUT and DELETE HTTP Requests with a well-built repository pattern in ASP.NET Core Project. You will also get a sneak peek at Entity Framework Code First migrations and learn how to save your data persistently in a database. We will cover authentication and authorization in Web API as well as consume them in a real-world project.

What are the requirements?

  • more than 6 months knowledge of ASP.NET Core.
  • Visual Studio 2019
  • SQL Server Management Studio
  • .NET Core 3.1

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Learn basic fundamentals of ASP NET Core web API
  • Build RESTful API's in ASP.NET Core 3.1
  • Learn how to document an API using swagger and swashbuckle.
  • Versioning in an API.
  • Implement Repository Pattern in API to the database using EF.
  • Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Core API's.
  • Integrate Entity Framework along with code first migrations
  • Learn how to consume API using HTTPClient in the Repository Pattern.
  • All source codes and exercise solutions of this course are also available on Github and you can find details in the lecture "PROJECT RESOURCES", of course.

Who this course is for:

Anyone who wants to learn Web API in NET Core 3.1 Anyone who wants to learn how to consume Web API's Anyone who wants to Learn Creating and Consuming API with Authentication