
pre requisites

  • install python with path setup
  • install pip

make new directory

for installation first you need make a new directory for run

mkdir <file-path>
on your command prompt and make virtual environment to install virtual environment for that

on windows

write your command prompt
py -m pip install --user virtualenv and Enter

then again run
py -m venv env

for mac or linux

python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv on your terminal then run
python3 -m venv env

active virtual environment

for active virtual environment run
.\env\Scripts\activate for Windows
source env/bin/activate for linux and mac

clone repository

then you need to clone this repository for that run
git clone on your cmd or terminal

go directory

then goto directory miltonsthesis-client
cd miltonsthesis-client
Then run

pip install -r requirement.txt

run server

python lib/server/

run client

python lib/client/