
MOnarCH robot (mbot) simulation environments with gazebo

Primary LanguageShell

ISR testbed simulated environment

Gazebo 7 based simulated apartment used during European Robotics League (ERL).

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To see a video of how the models were textured, you can see this youtube tutorial video part1 part2

This code was tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS kinetic with Gazebo 7

This is how the simulation looks like:

alt ERL_gazebo_testbed

Installations instructions

Clone and compile the code into your catkin workspace:

    git clone https://github.com/socrob/mbot_simulation_environments.git
    catkin build
    source ~/.bashrc

Launch only the environment:

    roslaunch mbot_simulation_environments load_environment_example.launch

We provide with the following sample Launch file to spawn your own robot inside our ISR tesbed - apartment:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

    <!-- whether you want gazebo gui or not (saves resources if you set this to false) -->
    <arg name="gazebo_gui" default="false" />

    <!-- select your world -->
    <arg name="world_name" default="isr-testbed.world" /> <!-- set to "empty.world" for empty world -->
    <arg name="world_path" default="$(find mbot_simulation_environments)/worlds" /> <!-- set to "worlds" empty world -->

    <!-- launch robot environment -->
    <include file="$(find mbot_simulation_environments)/launch/load_environment_example.launch" >
        <arg name="world_name" value="$(arg world_name)" />
        <arg name="world_path" value="$(arg world_path)" />
        <arg name="gazebo_gui" value="$(arg gazebo_gui)" />
    <!-- upload URDF model of the robot to parameter server -->
    <param name="robot_description"
           command="$(find xacro)/xacro --inorder $(find your_robot_description)/xacro/my_robot_urdf.urdf.xacro" />
    <!-- spawn robot (in a certain position and with a default arm configuration) -->
    <node pkg="gazebo_ros" type="spawn_model" name="mbot_spawner"
          args="-package_to_model -urdf -model my_robot_name -param robot_description -x 0.5 -y 0.5 -z 0.01
          -J left_arm_joint0 0.0
          -J left_arm_joint1 1.18
          -J left_arm_joint2 0.12
          -J left_arm_joint3 0.92
          -J left_arm_joint4 0.24
          -J left_arm_joint5 0.63
          -J left_arm_joint6 0.44" />


If errors, please report bugs by using the issues in this repository