
:bangbang: Polyfill/fix for IE 11's weird behavior in scrollIntoView()

Primary LanguageHTML

Element scrollIntoView() polyfill for Internet Explorer 11

Internet Explorer 11 has a bug in scrollIntoView(), which causes the whole page to move horizontally in some cases:


There are various workarounds, like using jQuery, but this can be a problem when running Selenium tests, something like this:

WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("my-id"));
Actions actions = new Actions(driver);

Selenium's in-built handling of moveToElement is to use scrollIntoView().

What can be done instead, is to polyfill/fix the scrollIntoView() function itself, so that Selenium can use it.


1) Install it

npm install ie11-scroll-into-view --save

(or just download the script and put it in your project)

2) Import it

<script src="ie11-scroll-into-view.js"></script>

or with AMD:

require(['ie11-scroll-into-view'], function () {
  // ...

or with CommonJS:


or with Harmony modules:

import 'ie11-scroll-into-view';

Running tests

There is currently only one test, and we run it manually:

npm run dev

This will open a server, you can access it at http://localhost:8080. You can interact with the buttons on the page to see expected behavior.

It is possible to reproduce the IE 11 bug by commenting out the <script> tag that imports the polyfill/fix.

Project License

Apache 2.0