2-stage ETL of songs & events data from s3 to Amazon Redshift Cloud DataWarehouse

This repository contains the necessary scripts to create a Redshift DataWarehouse for a music streaming app (Sparkify), with a performant architecture, as well as the scripts to extract data from 2 sets of files and load it to staging and final db tables on Redshift.

Context & Architecture

In order to enable performant queries to be done to the database, a star-schema composed of 5 tables is desireable: 1 fact table - songplays - and 4 dimension tables - users, songs, artists, time.

The startup has put up systems that collect 2 types of data:

  • Songs data stored in: s3://udacity-dend/song_data
  • Events data stored in: s3://udacity-dend/log_data in the format show in s3://udacity-dend/log_json_path.json

To extract the data from s3 and load it into our star schema, we make use of 2 staging tables, as seen in the image below.


Through the scripts developed in this repo, data is extracted from 2 groups of files and loaded into the 5 tables of the DB.

With the data cleanly placed into the 5 tables, the analytics team can now easily create dashboards which focus on the different areas of the business:

  1. Acquiring and retaining users
  2. Increase the songs catalog
  3. Acquire more artists
  4. Engage users daily

which correspond to 4 independent tables, while minimizing JOINS. The time table is used when time granularity is needed in the query.

Advanced queries & usecases like recommending songs to a user, based on listening history can be performed easily with the songplays table.

Running Python Scripts

In order to create the tables run:

python create-tables.py

To load the data from the songs and activity logs run:

python etl.py

Directory Structure

Main scripts:

  • dwh.cfg - config file (adapted to IaC)
  • create_tables.py - script to create tables on Redshift cluster
  • etl.py - script to (1) extract data from s3, (2) load it to staging tables, (3) Transform and Load data into final tables for OLAP
  • sql_queries.py - script with all SQL queries
  • Readme.md

Helper scripts & output:

  • create_cluster.ipynb - notebook to spin-up the resources: IAM, Redshift, VPC; necessary for the project using IaC
  • test.ipynb - notebook for testing
  • draw_db.ipynb - notebook to draw db diagram
  • db_diagram.png