
A World of Warcraft addon that reminds the player when buffs have or will soon expire.

Primary LanguageLua


A World of Warcraft 1.12 (Vanilla WoW) addon that displays user placeable icons on your screen when buffs have expired or are soon to expire.

example icon image BuffReminder Button Image

❗ Warning ❗

Saved variable format has changed in version 1.2. Saved configurations will be lost if you upgrade.


  • Experimental: Lua script conditional.
  • A script should return a value that can evaluate as true or false.
  • Example: return UnitMana("player") < 2000


  • The config dialog is opened by left-clicking the BR icon.
  • Buffs you want to monitor must be added to buff groups.
  • Mutually exclusive buffs should go into common groups.
  • Until a buff is seen by the addon it will have a '?' icon.
  • Temporary weapon enchants (shaman enchants, poisons, wizard oil, sharpening, etc) also supported.
  • Icons can be temporarily hidden by right-clicking the BR icon.
  • Enclose names with spaces in quotes when using the command line.
  • The icon frame lock can be toggled by shift-clicking the BR icon.
  • Checkboxes are tri-state. If the background is red then the icon will be hidden if the state is not true.
  • If you've used a previous version and you get errors then you may need to NUKE your config (see gen opts).

Config Dialog

config dialog image

##Command Line Configuration Group commands:

/br group <groupname> add <buffname> - adds a buff to a group. If the group doesn't exist it will be created
/br group <groupname> remove - removes the buff group
/br group <groupname> disable - prevents the group's icon from being displayed when one of it's buffs are missing
/br group <groupname> enable - allows the group's icon to be displayed when one of it's buffs are missing
/br group <number> - sets the early warning timer for the group
/br group [dead|instance|party|raid|resting|taxi] - toggles the given conditional for the group
/br group - prints a listing of your buff groups

Buff commands:

/br buff <buffname> remove - removes a buff from being monitored
/br buff <buffname> - prints the group info of the group a buff belongs to
/br buff - prints a list of your watched buffs

General options:

/br alpha <number> - changes the icon transparency (min 0.0, max 1.0)
/br config - opens the config dialog
/br <lock|unlock> - locks or unlocks the icon frame for user placement
/br NUKE - clears all of your settings
/br size <number> - changes the icon size (min 10, max 400)
/br sound <sound name> - sets the warning sound or turns it off if no name given. ex: /br sound RaidWarning
/br time <number> - sets the default early warning time setting for new buff groups