
A multiplayer text based game that allows multiple players connections via TCP

Primary LanguageJava


This was developed as the second group project at Academia de Codigo's Bootcamp#29, at the end of the 7th week. We built it in a weekend.

In this game you are a pirate and you want to find the treasure's key. How can you do that? Unravel the expression, letter by letter, or try to guess the entire expression. For every letter you miss, your ship sinks a bit.

It allows multiplayer via Netcat with players being able to create separate game rooms and password protect them, allowing multiple instances being run simultaneously.


We've provided the build.xml file so you can build the .Jar with "ant" on terminal.


Run the program and connect the clients via Netcat to the IP of the machine where the .Jar is being run on, port 2929: "nc x.x.x.x 2929".


Players choose an alias
Create a room to play or join one already created
Protect the room with password (optional)
Chat in the room before game starts
Can't choose an already chosen letter
See the game instructions


Initial Screen

Room Selection


