
Generic recursive lens combinators in Agda.

Primary LanguageAgda

Generic Recursive Lens Combinators

This is the Agda implementation for Generic Recursive Lens Combinators and Their Calculation Laws. We use Agda 2.6.2 and agda-stdlib 1.7.

Structure of This Repository

Main constructions:

  • Lens.agda: Formalization of lenses (without contracts), provided for comparison
  • CLens.agda: contract lenses without using containers
    Fixpoint.agda: fixpoint "μF = F μF" and useful lemmas
    Note: We had to turn off the positivity checker for the μ type, but it should be safe since all functors we passed to the μ type are indeed strictly positive (polynomial). In CLens2/Fixpoint2, we prove essentially the same results using container-based fixpoints, which completely solves the positivity problem. This version is still provided here because it is arguably easier to comprehend.
  • CLens2.agda: contract lenses based on containers
    Fixpoint2.agda: fixpoint and lemmas based on containers
    As is said above, this version solves the positivity problem.
  • NContainer.agda: formalization for N-ary containers
    NZip.agda: clift, fzip, and related properties based on NContainer


  • example/Tree.agda: a binary tree. This example shows how accumulations should work on trees.
  • example/Tree2.agda: a binary tree defined with containers:
    • We provided definitions of clift and fzip
    • We defined a bidirectional F-algebra bmaxAlg
    • We apply the bFold combinator with bmaxAlg to get bmaximum
    • We run the bmaximum and show the results

Supportive utilities:

  • Show.agda: basic pretty-printing support
  • IntOmega.agda: integer arithmetic extended to properly handle infinities
  • Utils.agda: some common imports are gathered here
    Note: we postulate functional extensionality here. This is the only axiom we assume, and this is safe because (according to PLFA):

    Postulating extensionality does not lead to difficulties, as it is known to be consistent with the theory that underlies Agda.

Appendix: Outputs of the Two Examples

The output of the two examples is provided as follows for your convenience. One should be able to produce the exact same output.


  • This is the original tree:
    | +-leaf
    | `-+-4
    |   +-leaf
    |   `-leaf
  • The result of paths:
    +-@tag: [(branch 3 _ _)]
    +-@val: 3
    +-+-@tag: [(branch 3 _ _),(branch 1 _ _)]
    | +-@val: 1
    | +-leaf: @tag: [(branch 3 _ _),(branch 1 _ _),leaf]
    | `-+-@tag: [(branch 3 _ _),(branch 1 _ _),(branch 4 _ _)]
    |   +-@val: 4
    |   +-leaf: @tag: [(branch 3 _ _),(branch 1 _ _),(branch 4 _ _),leaf]
    |   `-leaf: @tag: [(branch 3 _ _),(branch 1 _ _),(branch 4 _ _),leaf]
    `-leaf: @tag: [(branch 3 _ _),leaf]
  • The result of subtrees:
    +-@tag: (branch 3 (branch 1 leaf (branch 4 leaf leaf)) leaf)
    +-@val: 3
    +-+-@tag: (branch 1 leaf (branch 4 leaf leaf))
    | +-@val: 1
    | +-leaf: @tag: leaf
    | `-+-@tag: (branch 4 leaf leaf)
    |   +-@val: 4
    |   +-leaf: @tag: leaf
    |   `-leaf: @tag: leaf
    `-leaf: @tag: leaf


  • First part of output is the same as example/Tree.agda.
  • original tree:
    | +-leaf
    | `-+-4
    |   +-leaf
    |   `-leaf
      | +-+--2
      | | +-leaf
      | | `-leaf
      | `-leaf
    Note the +--2 should be interpreted as +-(-2) (the value at that node is -2).
  • get bmaximum: 13
  • put bmaximum 2:
    | +-leaf
    | `-+-2
    |   +-leaf
    |   `-leaf
      | +-+--2
      | | +-leaf
      | | `-leaf
      | `-leaf
  • put bmaximum 7:
    | +-leaf
    | `-+-4
    |   +-leaf
    |   `-leaf
      | +-+--2
      | | +-leaf
      | | `-leaf
      | `-leaf