
浙江 温州麻将

Primary LanguageCsound Document

moyou Engine

An chess and card game framework.

Env and dependencies


  • step 1:

      download Engine
      source:	https://pan.baidu.com/s/1SKrdwEhsIEQX2cvek4wL4A   
      extrace code:y3nf
  • step 2:

      unzip frameworks in cocos
      source in Engine/cocos_frameworks_v3.16.zip
  • step 3:

      unzip kbe in kbengine
      windows: 	Engine/kbe_windows_1.17.zip
      linux: 		Engine/kbe_tencent_ubuntu_1.17.zip
  • step 4:

      1.download [nginx](http://nginx.org)
      2.config nginx like nginx config.
  • step 5:

      config cocos/src/switch.js
      switches.kbeServerIP 		=> server ip 
      switches.kbeServerLoginPort => server port (in general 20013)
  • step 6:

      run command
      windows:	kbengine/assets/start_server.bat
      linux:		kbengine/assets/start_server.sh
  • step 7:

      1.use explorer Access to the client address 
      2.login the service.

nginx config

server {

	listen       8090;
	server_name  YingTanMJ;
	location / {
		root   F:/YingTanMJ/cocos;
		#index  index.html index.htm;
		autoindex on;
		add_header Cache-Control no-store;
		expires off;
	#location  /frameworks {
	#   root   D:/Engine/;
	#   add_header Cache-Control no-store;
	#   expires off;