
#I. Using log-normal distribution for annual peak flood flow curve, a climate scenario is represented by a linearly chaing mean and linearly changing standard deviation of annual peak flood flow.

I.1. DP: Dynamic Programming for Stationary Hydrology, would be run for different climate scenarios (mean annual peak flow) separately

I.2. DDP: Deterministic Dynamic Programming for Certain Nonstationary hydrology, run for a series of certain climate scenarios, weighted

I.3. SDPMP: Stochastic Dynamic Programming with Markov Process for Uncertain Nonstationary hydrology, run for a series of uncertain climate scenarios, conditional probability is updated using Baye's Theorem.

#II. Using normal distribution for annual peak flood flow curve, and only take mean annual peak flow as changing parameter for a climate scenario

II.1. DP_normal: Dynamic Programming for Stationary Hydrology, would be run for different climate scenarios (mean annual peak flow) separately

II.2. DDP_normal: Deterministic Dynamic Programming for Certain Nonstationary hydrology, run for a series of certain climate scenarios, weighted

II.3. SDPMP_normal: Stochastic Dynamic Programming with Markov Process for Uncertain Nonstationary hydrology, run for a series of uncertain climate scenarios, conditional probability is updated using Baye's Theorem.