
Prototype of an interactive phone box with teensy 3.2, developed during the 14th Tiree TechWave (http://tireetechwave.org/). Teamed up with Maria Victoria Palacin.

Primary LanguageArduino

Instructions to set up this example

1. Load Teensy 3.2 to arduino and run the official examples e.g. blink and audio play (https://youtu.be/wqt55OAabVs) to make sure the basic LED and audio play features work well.
2. Music should be in format of 16 bit PCM, 44100 Hz WAV files, and are loaded on the SD card
3. Download techWave14.ino from this repository and run the script via Arduino IDE
4. Read serial info from either TeensyMonitor or linux terminal, we provide arduino02.py for the linux server/raspberry pi

Future work: connect Raspberry Pi to make Arduino programmable from micro computer.