
🏃‍♀️Race startlist for event organisers

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Race Startlist


My Approach | Instructions | Technologies | Features | Preview

Dashboard for event organisers to view race startlist entries and ticket sale revenue.

My Approach


I started the exercise with a bit of planning on Miro. Considering that there was a 5hr time limit, it made sense to plan everything out as much as I could to save time as a result. What I found to be the most helpful was mocking up the "finished product" to help me envision what I want to work towards.

My biggest challenge was keeping it small scale and simple. I tried my best to not overthink the problem.

Given that the exercise revolved around the data given, the main functionality to implement had to do with data manipulation, e.g. sorting & filtering. Of course, ticket revenue was in my plans as well. As for an additional feature I could implement, I decided on PDF printing as something essential for an event organiser.


I decided to go for Create-React-App with TypeScript as there was no need for a server & setup was pretty straightforward.

My next step was getting API data to display on the page. From that point on I kept adding functionality and expanding on it. I started with sorting, then moved on to filtering, stats and finally, printing.

I am new to Typescript so it was a great opportunity to learn more about it, even though it did slow me down. Creating type interfaces was something I've never done before.

Printing in react was a new experience as well but it was a breeze thanks to ReactToPrint package.

Overall, this was a fun experience and I wish I didn't have the time limit as it went by too fast. I feel like I could have done a much better job at refactoring and keeping it DRY. I might have decided to implement too much of the functionality that made me rush through it. However, I set a goal for myself and I'm happy I have more or less reached it within the time given.


Testing is the weakest point of this project. In fact, I'm embarassed of how bad of a job I've done. I would blame time constraints, but I should have prioritized better. I have tested API calls & basic component rendering but there is more to be desired, no doubt.

To improve on

I have learnt a lot through this tech test and, inevitably, made a lot of mistakes. The biggest challenge was time, which constrained me on all fronts. There is a lot I could improve on, as well as new features to implement.

  • More extensive component testing
  • Cypress e-to-e testing
  • Using ids rather than titles for filtering
  • Search function
  • Organiser authorization for sensitive data security
  • User-friendly interface



  1. Clone the repository & cd into it
  2. npm install to install dependencies
  3. npm start to run a development server
  4. Visit localhost:3000 & you are good to go!


  • npm test to test the application
  • npm lint to run ESLint


  • Node.js | Back-end JavaScript runtime environment
  • React | Front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • TypeScript | Typed superset of JavaScript


  • Entries
    • Minimal view
    • Detailed view
  • Filtering
    • By organiser
    • By event
    • Reset option
  • Sorting
    • By each of the entries' properties (x11)
    • Ascending & descending order
    • Reset option
  • PDF Printing
  • Stats
    • Total ticket revenue
    • Total tickets
    • Average ticket price per entry

