
🤖 The Full Process Python Package for Robot Learning from Demonstration

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Rofunc: The Full Process Python Package for Robot Learning from Demonstration

Release Documentation Status License Build Status

Rofunc package focuses on the robotic Imitation Learning (IL) and Learning from Demonstration (LfD) fields and provides valuable and convenient python functions for robotics, including demonstration collection, data pre-processing, LfD algorithms, planning, and control methods. We also provide an Isaac Gym-based robot simulator for evaluation. This package aims to advance the field by building a full-process toolkit and validation platform that simplifies and standardizes the process of demonstration data collection, processing, learning, and its deployment on robots.


Install from PyPI

The installation is very easy,

pip install rofunc

and as you'll find later, it's easy to use as well!

import rofunc as rf

Thus, have fun in the robotics world!

Note: Several requirements need to be installed before using the package. Please refer to the installation guide for more details.

Install from Source (Recommended)

git clone https://github.com/Skylark0924/Rofunc.git
cd Rofunc
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Besides, you need to install ZED SDK manually. (We have tried to package it as a .whl file to add it to requirements.txt, unfortunately, the ZED SDK is not very friendly and doesn't support direct installation.)

Currently, we provide a simple document; please refer to here. A comprehensive one with both English and Chinese versions is built via the readthedoc. We provide a simple but interesting example: learning to play Taichi by learning from human demonstration.

To give you a quick overview of the pipeline of rofunc, we provide an interesting example of learning to play Taichi from human demonstration. You can find it in the Quick start section of the documentation.

The available functions and plans can be found as follows.

Classes Types Functions Description Status
Demonstration collection and pre-processing Xsens xsens.record Record the human motion via network streaming ✅
xsens.process Decode the .mvnx file ✅
xsens.visualize Show or save gif about the motion ✅
Optitrack optitrack.record Record the motion of markers via network streaming
optitrack.process Process the output .csv data ✅
optitrack.visualize Show or save gif about the motion
ZED zed.record Record with multiple (1~n) cameras ✅
zed.playback Playback the recording and save snapshots ✅
zed.export Export the recording to mp4 or image sequences ✅
Delsys EMG emg.record Record real-time EMG data via network streaming ✅
emg.process Filtering the EMG data ✅
emg.visualize Some visualization functions for EMG data ✅
Multimodal mmodal.record Record multi-modal demonstration data simultaneously
mmodal.export Export multi-modal demonstration data in one line ✅
Learning from Demonstration Machine learning dmp.uni DMP for uni-manual robot with several (or one) demonstrated trajectories
gmr.uni GMR for uni-manual robot with several (or one) demonstrated trajectories ✅
gmm.uni GMM for uni-manual robot with several (or one) demonstrated trajectories
tpgmm.uni TP-GMM for uni-manual robot with several (or one) demonstrated trajectories ✅
tpgmm.bi TP-GMM for bimanual robot with coordination learned from demonstration ✅
tpgmr.uni TP-GMR for uni-manual robot with several (or one) demonstrated trajectories ✅
tpgmr.bi TP-GMR for bimanual robot with coordination learned from demonstration ✅
Deep learning bco Behavior cloning from observation ✅
strans Structured-Transformer method proposed in IEEE RAL
Reinforcement learning ppo Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) baseline
dqn Deep Q Network baseline
sac Soft Actor Critic baseline
cql Conservative Q-learning for fully offline learning
mcql Mixed conservative Q-learning for learning from demonstration with interaction
Planning LQT lqt.uni Linear Quadratic Tracking (LQT) for uni-manual robot with several via-points ✅
lqt.bi LQT for bimanual robot with coordination constraints ✅
lqt.uni_fb Generate smooth trajectories with feedback ✅
lqt.uni_cp LQT with control primitive ✅
iLQR ilqr.uni Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator (iLQR) for uni-manual robot with several via-points ✅
ilqr.bi iLQR for bimanual robots with several via-points ✅
ilqr.uni_fb iLQR with feedback
ilqr.uni_cp iLQR with control primitive ✅
ilqr.uni_obstacle iLQR with obstacle avoidance ✅
ilqr.uni_dyna iLQR with dynamics and force control ✅
MPC mpc.uni Model Predictive Control (MPC)
CIO cio.whole Contact-invariant Optimization (CIO)
Tools Logger logger.write General logger based on tensorboard
Config config.get_config General config API based on hydra ✅
VisuaLab visualab.trajectory 2-dim/3-dim/with ori trajectory visualization ✅
visualab.distribution 2-dim/3-dim distribution visualization ✅
visualab.ellipsoid 2-dim/3-dim ellipsoid visualization ✅
RoboLab robolab.transform Useful functions about coordinate transformation ✅
robolab.fk Forward kinematics w.r.t URDF file
robolab.ik Inverse kinematics w.r.t URDF file
robolab.fd Forward dynamics w.r.t URDF file
robolab.id Inverse dynamics w.r.t URDF file
Simulator Franka franka.sim Execute specific trajectory via single Franka Panda arm in Isaac Gym ✅
DualFranka dualfranka.sim Execute specific trajectory via dual Franka Panda arm in Isaac Gym
CURI curi.sim Execute specific trajectory via human-like CURI robot in Isaac Gym ✅
Walker walker.sim Execute specific trajectory via UBTECH Walker robot in Isaac Gym


If you use rofunc in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations to the following paper:

      author = {Liu, Junjia and Li, Zhihao and Li, Chenzui},
      title = {Rofunc: The full process python package for robot learning from demonstration},
      year = {2022},
      publisher = {GitHub},
      journal = {GitHub repository},
      howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/Skylark0924/Rofunc}},

The Team

Rofunc is developed and maintained by the CLOVER Lab (Collaborative and Versatile Robot Laboratory), CUHK.