
Hacktoon 2 - Lisbon Data Science Starters Academy

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Hackathon #2 - Time Series - LDSSA


The objective is to allocate doctors to the different medical centers. For simplicity, any doctor can do any specialty. The mission is not to have a wonderful R2 or F1 score, the mission is to allocate doctors, using whatever methods and metrics you find appropriate.

Each doctor can see 15 patients per day. You have a total of 20.000 doctors available for each day. You technically have enough doctors, but on certain days it will be almost exactly the number you need. That means we can get by without losing too many patients, as long as the doctors are perfectly allocated to the right places.

The objective is simple: minimize the number of people who don’t get to see a doctor. 5% of the people who don’t get to see a doctor will die. You will be evaluated on how many patients survive the crisis. No pressure.

The secondary objective is related to your presentation. Under normal circumstances there are 40.000 doctors (double what we had to work with!) and yet patients are sometimes dying because of lack of doctors. In other places, there is an oversupply of idle doctors. Besides this, Adalberto and his team also want to know how you build your model.