Seed Tools


Developing seed-tools:

To get the code clone the repo.

The docs are going to assume you've cloned it at this location: c/source/ and that you're using bash for your shell.

To get the ASP.Net Core server installed:

cd /c/source/seed-tools/src
dotnet restore

To get the database into a running state:

cd /c/source/seed-tools/src/Seed.Data
dotnet ef database update

This should create these 2 files in the root of the project:

  • seed-tools.mdf
  • seed-tools_log.ldf

To debug the ASP.Net Core server you should open up VS Code at this location: c:\source\seed-tools\src and hit F5.

To run the ASP.Net Core server you should:

cd /c/source/seed-tools/src/Seed.Web
dotnet run

This will serve at http://localhost:5000 - you can check status here: http://localhost:5000/api/status

To get React client installed:

cd /c/source/seed-tools/src/Seed.App
yarn install

To run React client:

cd /c/source/seed-tools/src/Seed.App
yarn start

This will serve at http://localhost:8080 and will talk to http://localhost:5000 for data (so you need both running).