
Dialogue Knowledge Transfer Networks (DiKTNet)

Primary LanguagePython

Dialogue Knowledge Transfer Networks (DiKTNet)

This codebase is shared by the following papers: "Few-Shot Dialogue Generation Without Annotated Data: A Transfer Learning Approach" by Igor Shalyminov, Sungjin Lee, Arash Eshghi, and Oliver Lemon. [SigDial 2019 publication] [bibtex] [Poster]

"Data-Efficient Goal-Oriented Conversation with Dialogue Knowledge Transfer Networks" by Igor Shalyminov, Sungjin Lee, Arash Eshghi, and Oliver Lemon. [EMNLP 2019 publication] [bibtex] [Poster]

If you find it useful for your work, please cite the papers above.

The versions of the code corresponding to each publication can be found using the git release tags.


  1. Download the Maluuba MetaLWOz (previously called BLIS) dataset (assuming you extract it into metalwoz-v1 folder)
  2. Prepare environment and dependencies. Below are the steps for Conda:
  conda create -n diktnet python=3.6
  conda activate diktnet
  git submodule update --init
  pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create a vocabulary for LAED training: python make_vocabulary.py <data-dir> <corpus client type> <vocab_file.json>

Given the data sources we have, it may be NeuralDialog-ZSDG/data/stanford/ZslStanfordCorpus, NeuralDialog-ZSDG/data/simdial/SimDialCorpus or metalwoz-v1/LAEDBlisCorpus. Vocabularies of a higher coverage can be produced by merging the primary ones.

How To

  1. Training a LAED model - StED (skip-thought dialog-level)
python st_ed.py \
    metalwoz-v1 \
    LAEDBlisCorpus \
    vocabs/maluuba.json \
   --exlcude_domains ... \
   --y_size 10 

1.1 Training a LAED model - vanilla VAE (dialog-level)

python vae.py \
  metalwoz-v1 \
  LAEDBlisCorpus \
  vocabs/maluuba.json \
 --exlcude_domains ... \
 --y_size 1
 --k 100
  1. Generating LAED features - StED (skip-thought dialog-level)
python generate_laed_features.py \
    laed_models/st_ed_maluuba_${TARGET_DOMAIN} \
    laed_features/st_ed_maluuba__smd_${TARGET_DOMAIN} \
    --model_name StED \
    --model_type dialog \
    --data_dir NeuralDialog-ZSDG/data/stanford \
    --corpus_client ZslStanfordCorpus \
    --data_loader SMDDialogSkipLoader \
    --vocab maluuba.json
  1. Training a Few-Shot Dialog Generation model
python train_fsdg.py \
    LAZslStanfordCorpus \
    --data_dir NeuralDialog-ZSDG/data/stanford \
    --laed_z_folders laed_features/st_ed_3x5_maluuba__smd_${domain} \
    --black_domains $domain \
    --black_ratio 0.9 \
    --action_match False \
    --target_example_cnt 0 \
    --random_seed $rnd