- 1
Security Vulnerabilities
#82 opened by karanaggarwal1 - 1
- 0
how to use it in Angular
#81 opened by anuj9196 - 3
- 0
Scrape local file
#80 opened - 0
- 0
#78 opened by OmgImAlexis - 2
Getting started?
#55 opened by MMRandy - 0
Error: Can't find variable: $
#77 opened by kubante - 0
Not an issue, but I didn't know where to put it
#76 opened by allnulled - 5
DynamicScraper can not run
#73 opened by willin - 2
Character encoding - possible to set it?
#65 opened by mesic - 1
Unable to perform inside loop?
#75 opened by avrebarra - 0
- 6
- 1
Pass parameter to scrape evaluate function
#72 opened by art1c0 - 6
- 1
Cannot inject JS functions
#69 opened by Centro1993 - 1
error Exceeded maxRedirects
#67 opened by liqingyun-1991 - 0
Chaining promises
#64 opened by manuschiller - 0
- 1
Receiving 'cannot read error property of null' when using the dynamic scraper.
#61 opened by Alanz2223 - 0
- 1
then promise
#59 opened by awb99 - 1
then promise
#58 opened by awb99 - 1
- 2
#56 opened by QuentinRoy - 1
Feature: Adding the posibility to chose viewport size or any page option when using DynamicScrapper
#54 opened by maissani - 1
How to follow redirects?
#52 opened by moroshko - 2
.catch() function doesn't exist
#51 opened by v1p - 1
File/HTML support
#50 opened by OKNoah - 9
jquery file injection failing
#49 opened by tcarlock - 0
Dynamic scraper cannot trigger onError promise
#48 opened by ruipgil - 6
Please also add error handling example
#24 opened by martinsookael - 2
- 5
requests@2.62.0 breaks DynamicScraper
#43 opened by brunofiorentino - 3
Arrays are null if assigned more than once
#44 opened by chmac - 1
- 4
- 5
Dynamic example fails on OpenShift instance
#41 opened by rvernica - 1
OSX Dynamic Scraper Error: spawn EMFILE
#40 opened by vdraceil - 3
- 1
possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.
#28 opened by kengz - 1
- 1
using 32 bit 10.37 node.js -- the test fails
#31 opened by smartmouse - 1
Passing options to phantom
#33 opened by vdraceil - 1
- 1
Potential small bug
#26 opened by ahashp - 1
- 0
please add Iconv support
#22 opened by mani95lisa