This is an example about how to integrate PostgreSQL with Flask.
First, you need to follow the tutorial at here to create a PostgreSQL db named tmpdb, username is tmp, password is tmp (dbname='tmpdb' user='tmp' host='localhost' password='tmp').
Then, open another terminal to create a virtual environment
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
python3 -m venv python_venv
If you have created the virtual environment, then use this commend to enter it
source python_venv/bin/activate
Here is the command to install the requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Here is the command to set up and run the program
python3 -h -p 5000 --threaded should be replaced with your machine ip address. The command is to set up a server with your machine
- You need to install the docker engine and here is the official link how to do it: Docker Engine Install Official link. The system has been tested with Docker version 17.03 and 17.05
- All the server components should work if you have installed docker correctly.
You can run the program by:
docker run --name <container_name> -h <your_machine_ip> -p 5000:5000 ruiwu1990/db_docker python
'container_name' is your docker container name and 'your_machine_ip' should be your machine ip.
-p 5000:5000 means that mapping host machine port 5000 (first one) with docker container port 5000 (second one)
Here is the command I used in my machine:
docker run --name postgresql_docker -h -p 5000:5000 ruiwu1990/db_docker python
#Website URL The system is available here
<Your IP>:5000/
For me the URL replaced with my ip is: