
A simple set of python scripts to make an Odoo 8.0 backup using oerplib

Primary LanguagePython


A simple set of python scripts to make an Odoo 8.0 backup using oerplib, in this way you can backup and restore attacments, deactivate databases and easily manipulate git branches


Using ws

To Backup a database using ws you must run (if Odoo server is on localhost and serving on default port):

python backup_db_ws.py database_name -d backup_dir


python backup_db_ws.py database_name -H host_name -p odoo_xml_rpc_port -d backup_dir

Other parameters that can be used are:

  • -t: Temp working dir
  • -r: Reason why backup is being done
  • -u: Odoo superuser
  • -w: Superuser password

All these options can be consulted any time by just running:

python backup_db_ws.py --help

Using docker container

To backup a database without running ws you must run:

python backup_db.py -d database_name -o odoo_configfile -b backup_dir


python backup_db.py -d database_name -f docker_container -b backup_dir

Options -o and -f are mutually exclusive. Other parameters that can be used are:

  • -t: Temp working dir
  • -r: Reason why backup is being done
  • -c: Optional config file

All these options can be consulted any time by just running:

python backup_db.py --help


Using ws

To restore a backup made with backup_db_ws.py (if Odoo server is on localhost and serving on default port):

python restore_db_ws.py database_name -f route_to_file.tar.bz2


python restore_db_ws.py database_name -H host_name -p odoo_xml_rpc_port -f route_to_file.tar.bz2

Other parameters that can be used are:

  • -t: Temp working dir
  • -u: Odoo superuser
  • -w: Superuser password

All these options can be consulted any time by just running:

python restore_db_ws.py --help

Database name and file are mandaroty fields

Using docker container

To restore a database without running ws you must run:

python restore_db.py -d database_name -o odoo_configfile -b backup_file


python restore_db.py -d database_name -f docker_container -b backup_file

Options -o and -f are mutually exclusive. Other parameters that can be used are:

  • -t: Temp working dir
  • -c: Optional config file

All these options can be consulted any time by just running:

python restore_db.py --help


Using ws

To deactivate a database using ws you must run (if Odoo server is on localhost and serving on default port)::

python deactivate_ws.py database_name


python deactivate_ws.py database_name -H host_name -p odoo_xml_rpc_port

Other parameters that can be used are:

  • -u: Odoo superuser
  • -w: Superuser password

All these options can be consulted any time by just running:

python deactivate_ws.py --help

Using deactivate queries

To deactivate a database without ws run:

python deactivate.py database_name


python deactivate.py database_name -H host_name -p odoo_xml_rpc_port

Other parameters that can be used are:

  • -U: Database username
  • -W: User password
  • -r: Generate random passwords for users
  • -a: Comma separated actions to execute (possible actions: partner, cron, mail, pac, notify)
  • -f: Docker container which have the database configuration

All these options can be consulted any time by just running:

python deactivate.py --help


Test databases are created using backup modules and configurations defined in a Json config file with the following structure:

{ type:{ "host":"host of database", "port":{ "xmlrpc":odoo xmlrpc port, "opt":optional port }, "user":"database user", "pswd":"password", "superuser":"database superuser", "superpswd":"superuser password" },



To create a test database from a backup file run:

python test_db.py -f backup_file --config-file json_config_file --config config_type_selected

To create a test database using the latest backup file in a backup dir:

python test_db.py -p backup_path --config-file json_config_file --config config_type_selected

To create a test database from an existing and active database:

python test_db.py -d origin_database --config-file json_config_file --config config_type_selected --active-config-file json_config_file_for_origin_db

Other parameters that can be used:

  • --log-level: Level for logger
  • --logfile: File where store logs
  • --temp-dir: Temp working dir


Evaluates partitions of hard disks and send alerts if they're running out of space. To evaluate a group of partitions you must run:

python disk_alert.py -P comma_separated_list_of_partitions -F sender_email_address -W password -T comma_separated_list_of_recipients -L space_limit_for_red_alert

Other parameters that can be used:

  • --log-level: Level for logger
  • --logfile: File where store logs
  • --server: SMTP service server in the form "server:port"


To save branches' info into a json file::

python branches.py -f json_file -p path_of_repo_structure -s

To build branches using Json file made with branches.py::

python branches.py -f json_file -p path_of_repo_structure -l

To update branches to commits specified in Json file::

python branches.py -f json_file -p path_of_repo_structure --repo comma_separated_list_of_repo -u

To pull branches from their origin urls::

python branches.py -f json_file -p path_of_repo_structure --repo comma_separated_list_of_repo --pull

If path_of_repo_structure is not specified, current dir will be used Json_file is a mandatory field