Primary LanguagePython


This is the reproduction package for TORQUE: A Reading Comprehension Dataset of Temporal Ordering Questions in EMNLP'2020 (link).

Download raw data

Please see here.


You may want to run the following python script first if averaged_perceptron_tagger isn't already installed on your computer.

import nltk

And then, to process TORQUE for the modeling, run from the root dir of this project,

mkdir -p data
python code/process_train.py
python code/process_dev.py
python code/process_test.py

You may find some output message like below, which is expected.

case 2: single character ('(12,13)', 's')
ignore case: WDT


Processed TORQUE data can be found in data/

Fine-tune pretrained LMs on TORQUE

bash code/run_end_to_end.sh

Evaluate trained model and report performances

bash code/eval_end_to_end.sh

Output model predictions for the leaderboard

bash code/pred_for_leaderboard.sh

Assuming your trained model is saved in ${model_dir}/pytorch_model.bin where ${model_dir} corresponds to the ${output_dir} in run_end_to_end.sh

If you want to test your output format for the leaderboard, you can use the provided dev set by running,

bash code/pred_for_leaderboard.sh

the output evaluation metrics should be identical to those from eval_end_to_end.sh.