Research Scientist at Google. Ex-Applied Scientist at AWS AI Labs. CS PhD from USC. 7+ years' experience NLP, ML, and data science.
rujunhan's Followers
- 4seadaySungKyunKwan Univ.
- Alan-xh
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- chaojiang06
- Deadmau555
- DevHunterYZ
- fagan2888New York
- franciscojavierarceoRed Hat
- gym0569
- houyu0930Mountain View, CA
- jon-chuang@magicproduct
- jx654Fremont, CA
- lly928
- MacroFungshanghai
- marcelomata
- mdkmaUCLA & Genentech Prescient Design
- rzhangpkuPeking University
- sunrisezou
- SuooLSun Yat-sen University
- thammegowdaMicrosoft Translator
- timothyyu
- tongsun99
- vhientranNICT
- wutong8023Southeast University; Monash University