
Containing Stripe checkout session with fastAPI. The price and products are stored in PostgreSQL. But any RDBMS can be used as SQLAlchemy is used.

Primary LanguagePython

Accept payments with Stripe Checkout

Check out session with one time payment

Tasks yet to do

[x] Integrate PostgreSQL
[ ] Update Database with the trasaction happening in Stripe

Client directory

The client director contains some sample for the front-end part in html.The cancel, success and the index pages.

Server directory

The server directory contains APIs for making payments. The client will make requests to the server with the ids, and quantities of each items.
The details of the products are to be stored in the server or a Database in the server, to prevent any malicious attempts from the client side.


  • Python 3 or Conda environments
  • Configured .env file

How to run

  1. Clone the branch and change directory in the server folder:
cd checkout-one-time-payments/server/
  1. Create a new conda environment:
conda create -n payment python=3.9.0
conda activate payment
  1. Install the dependencies in the environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt 
  1. Rename and move the .env.example file into a file named .env
cp .env.example .env

Now provide the your Stripe keys from your developer dashboard.
You will need a Stripe account in order to run the demo. Once you set up your account, go to the Stripe developer dashboard to find your API keys.

The other environment variables are configurable:

STATIC_DIR : tells the server where to the client files are located and does not need to be modified unless you move the server files.

DOMAIN : is the domain of your website, where Checkout will redirect back to after the customer completes the payment on the Checkout page. 6. Run the file app.py:

uvicorn app:app

Then go to localhost:8000/docs. Here you can add products, in the add_products endpoint.

  1. Now run the server:
uvicorn server:app --port 8000

Send request to the server through Postman, on the URL localhost:5000/create-checkout-session, make a POST request with the format:

    "product_id" : 2,
    "product_id" : 3,

You will get a response back with the status, URL along with the details of the transaction session.
Follow the link and it will lead you to the pre-built checkout page.
Checkout Page