
Docker files for supercollider, jack and others

Primary LanguageShell

Docker images



  • sclang working
  • sclang is not allowed for rt scheduling
  • scsynth should work in NRT
  • scsynth is not connectin to jack


  • If you are not in the supercollider folder:

cd supercollider

  • Then build the image:

docker build -t rukano/supercollider .

  • If you have built too much dangling images:

docker rmi $(docker images -qa -f 'dangling=true')


Latest (simple sclang + scsynth)

The 'latest' tag is a simple image with sclang and scsynth working. To use the interactive sclang shell in our container you could run the container as:

docker run -it rukano/supercollider sclang

You will have sclang prompt. And finish by sending an EOF signal (Ctrl+D)

Real-Time synthesis

This is not yet tested and supportet, but the idea is to get jack packaged in the image so you can just start a process connected to it.

  • Run container with shell (not working)

docker run -it --rm --privileged=true --device=/dev/snd:/dev/snd rukano/supercollider /bin/bash

  • Run sclang directly interactively (not working)

docker run -it --rm --privileged=true --device=/dev/snd:/dev/snd rukano/supercollider sclang

  • Run sclang and pass command file (and eventually synts)


  • NOTE: you can use 0.exit in sclang to finish a script with a graceful exit.


