
Train a Linear Regression model with Bengaluru's house price dataset and deploy the model as a FastAPI with a Streamlit frontend

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Bengaluru House Price Prediction

Training Linear Regression Model
We get the data on Bengaluru house prices from Kaggle. The data contains about 13k rows and 9 columns about property prices. The columns are:

area_type, availability, location, size, society, total_sqft, bath, and balcony price

The price(in lakhs or 100000 rupees) is the target variable here.

Data Processing

The code for data cleaning is in this notebook The aim is to create a simplified version of the data for linear regression.

  • 5 columns: 'location', 'size', 'total_sqft', 'bath', 'price' are kept
  • Any row with nan values is dropped
  • The size column, referring to the number of bedrooms, is processed to construct a new column bhk. The size column contains string values like 2 BHK. We take only the number value and insert it in the bhk column. The size column is then dropped.
  • Values in total_sqft were found to have range values like 1133 - 1384. So, the column is modified to have only float values. For the previously mentioned range values, the average is taken and the range value is replaced with the average float value. Cases like 34.46Sq. Meter are dropped to keep things simple.
  • A new feature price_per_sqft(in rupees) is created through dividing the price column by total_sqft

Dimensionality Reduction in the Location Column

  • There are 1287 unique locations mentioned in the location column. The distribution of location values is very skewed
skewed dist
  • Given a large number of locations don't have much datapoints, we need to apply a dimensionality reduction technique here to reduce the number of locations. locations having less than 10 rows are tagged as other locations. So, the number of categories is reduced by a lot. When using one-hot encoding, it will help having fewer dummy columns. Now, the number of unique locations is 241.

Outlier Removal

  • We consider that a normal bedroom size is 300 sqft. We remove properties where per bhk size is less than 300 sqft. We now have about 12.5k rows.
  • The price per sqft data reveals a significant price disparity, ranging from a minimum of 267 rupees to a maximum of around 175,000 rupees. To address this variation, we identify and remove outliers within each location using the mean and standard deviation. We keep properties for a particular location if the price per square foot is within 1 standard deviation of the mean for that location. We now have about 10.2k rows.
  • Let's consider another condition. For the same location, the price of n bed apt should be greater than the mean of n-1 bed apt. The datapoints failing to meet the condition are the outliers and will be removed. So for a given location, we build a dictionary of stats of price per sqft per bhk, i.e.
    '1' : {
        'mean': 4000,
        'std: 2000,
        'count': 34

    '2' : {
        'mean': 4300,
        'std: 2300,
        'count': 22
  • Now we remove those n BHK apartments whose price_per_sqft is less than the mean price_per_sqft of n-1 BHK apartment. We now have about 7.3k rows.

outlier removal

  • We can see for Rajaji Nagar and Hebbal, some of the 3 BHK properties with per sqft price less than the mean per sqft price of 2 BHK properties have been removed.

  • We now consider a condition where an apartment with n bhk should have no more than n+2 bathrooms. It would be quite absurd or erroneous to have apartments where for n bhks there are more than n+2 baths. Such apartments are thus considered outliers and are removed from the dataset.

After such thorough cleaning, we move on to training a Linear Regression model using this clean and slimmed-down dataset.


The code for training is in this notebook

  • There are 4 features: location, total_sqft, bath, and bhk
    • The price column is the target variable.
  • One-hot Encoding is performed for location, a string categorical feature. For each location, we get a new binary column. Its value is 1 if the datapoint belongs to that location otherwise it's 0. However, we drop the other location column since any datapoint belonging to the other category will have 0s in all other location columns.
  • The test set is 20% of all datapoints.
  • The coefficient of determination/R^2 value for the trained model is about 86% on the test set, pretty good for a simplified dataset.
FastAPI API and Streamlit Frontend

app structure


  • The FastAPI API to call the property price prediction function(that uses the Linear Regression model) is
  • PropertyInput class (extends from pydantic BaseModel) is used to accept the input data from the user in the form of JSON. PropertyOutput class (extends from PropertyInput) is used to return the predicted price in the form of JSON.
  • PropertyInput has 4 fields: location(str), area(float), bathrooms(integer), and bedrooms(integer).
  • PropertyOutput has an additional field: predicted_price(float).
  • The API calls a method predict that extracts the input data, passes it to the Linear Regression model, and returns the predicted price.
  • To start the backend run the command: uvicorn fastapi_app:app --reload

Streamlit App

  • The frontend provides the 4 input fields: location, area, bathrooms, and bedrooms.
  • The frontend calls the predict_price method after clicking the button. This method uses the requests library to call the API and send the input data in the form of JSON.
    • The API returns the predicted price in the form of JSON. The frontend displays the predicted price.
  • To start the frontend run the command: streamlit run streamlit_app.py
  • The frontend can be viewed and used at the address
streamlit app

A gif of the using the frontend...

streamlit app

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