
Primary LanguageShell

docker-compose file for Matamo

A simple compose file for hosting Matamo. This compose takes into account backup-able volumes (avoid storing tmp/cache data in persistent volume).


The db-backup volume is used to store mysql dumps. With the following lines you can easily create a gezipped database backup stored in /backup for each container that is labelled mysql.backup=True:

for container in $(docker ps --filter "label=mysql.backup=true" --format '{{.Names}}'); do
	echo "dumping database of container $container"
	docker exec $container bash -c 'mysqldump -u root -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD $MYSQL_DATABASE | gzip > /backup/$MYSQL_DATABASE-$(date +%u).sql.gz'; 

The next step is to create the actual backup with your backup tool of choise, volume label backup=True will be of help in this step as the following will return all host paths to the volumes that should be backed up:

docker volume ls --filter "label=backup=True" --format '{{.Mountpoint}}'


Traefik is used for routing and managing certificates with let's encrypt. Configuring Traefik is out of scope of this project and can easily left out by removing the labels on the web service.