
Python flask backend for the QTime system.

Primary LanguagePython

QTime Mobile Application

Cross-platform wait time tracking mobile application

QTime (QueueTime) is a mobile application designed to track wait times and occupancy levels for services across McMaster's campus to help students plan their day.


Python flask backend for the QTime system.

Getting Started

  • Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/QueueTime/qtime-backend.git

Setup the server

  • Create a virtual environment: python3 -m venv env
  • Activate the virtual environment: activate env/bin/activate
  • Install the required packages: python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: At any if you wish to deactivate the virtual environment run deactivate.

Add your Firebase service key

This project uses Firebase APIs to communicate with the Firestore database and manage authentication. In order to connect to Firebase we need to generate a private service key.

To generate a private key file for your service account:

  • In the Firebase console, open Settings > Service Accounts.
  • Select "Python" as the target admin SDK and click Generate new private key.
  • Copy the contents of the downloaded JSON file and replace the contents of the serviceAccount.sample.json file. Rename the file to serviceAccountKey.json.

Note: This service account key is private and should not be shared.


This project manages many external dependencies. If adding or removing dependencies update the requirements.txt file by running

python3 -m pip freeze > requirements.txt

API Specification

This project leverages Connexion as a framework to manage http requests based on OpenAPI specifications.


This project leverages the opinionated Black formatter for code formatting and mypy for static typechecking.


This project leverages Unittest as a unit testing framework to run tests.

Run the following commands to test a module

python -m unittest tests/test_target.py

The full instructions for testing with the command line are found in the Unittest documentation.

Testing with Firebase Emulators

In order to test functionality that connects to firebase we use firebase emulators to emulate a firebase instance.

  • Follow the install steps to setup firebase emulators.
    • Run firebase --version to ensure you installed the firebase cli.
  • Setup the firestore emulator with the following command
firebase setup:emulators:firestore
  • Start the emulators with the command
firebase emulators:start --only firestore,auth --project qtime-bd47e --import=./sample_firebase_data
export FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST="localhost:8080"
export FIREBASE_AUTH_EMULATOR_HOST="localhost:9099"
  • Fetch a user authentication token by making a POST http call:

  "email": "<USER_EMAIL>",
  "password": "<PASSWORD>"
  • Export data from the firebase emulator with the command. The emulator must be running.
firebase emulators:export ./sample_firebase_data --project qtime-bd47e

Firebase Utility Script

The firebase utility script is used to simplify management tasks for Firebase and the Firestore database. It is located in scripts/manage_firebase.py. Currently, the following command line arguments are supported:

  • --add-pois: Update the POI collection on Firestore with a list of POI data given in a file in JSON format. Example:
python manage_firebase.py --add-pois ./pois.json
  • --add-property, --remove-property: These options will add a new field to every document in a collection or remove a field from all documents in a collection respectively. To add a new property, the following syntax is used:
--add-property collection_path=<COLLECTION_PATH> name=<FIELD_NAME> type=[string | number | boolean | map | array | timestamp] value=<VALUE>

Example commands:

python manage_firebase.py --remove-property collection_path=users name=hasCompletedOnboarding

This will delete the hasCompletedOnboarding field from all documents in the users collection.

python manage_firebase.py --add-property collection_path=users name=has_completed_onboarding type=boolean value=true

This will add a new boolean field to all documents in the users collection called has_completed_onboarding with a default value of true.

Command line help for the utility is also available by providing the -h or --help argument.


The QTime backend is deployed to AWS Lightsail automatically on push to main using the Deploy workflow. The steps to manually deploy are below:

  1. Install Docker, AWS CLI and the Lightsail Plugin if you haven't already.
  2. Create a docker image of the backend with
docker build -t qtime-container .

Note: (You can run this image as a container with docker run -p 5000:5000 qtime-container)

  1. Push the image to AWS Lightsail
aws lightsail push-container-image \
  --service-name qtime \
  --label qtime-latest  \
  --image qtime-container:latest

This will return information about the image you just pushed, take note of container number assigned. It should look like qtime.qtime-latest.X.

  1. Deploy your container to AWS Lightsail, replacing the image name in the command below.
aws lightsail create-container-service-deployment \
  --service-name qtime \
  --containers "{
    "flask": {
      "image": "qtime.qtime-latest.X",
      "ports": {
        "5000": "HTTP"
  }" \
  --public-endpoint "{
    "containerName": "flask",
    "containerPort": 5000,
    "healthCheck": {
      "path": "/api/health",
      "successCodes": "200"
  1. It will take a few minutes for the new deployment to finish. Once finished you should be able to access https://queuetime.tech/api/health to verify the service is up.