Java Locale class impact on localized strings. Examples and statistics.

Purpose of this project

The purpose is to produce various stats around Java Locale usage. And formatting differences and similarities.

Previous goal

One of the previous goals was to produce static pages with structered info and examples for every locale. However, after a discovery this great website, a pivot was made: to produce some statistics (just for fun of it).

Metric #1. Distribution of short DATE formats.

Date YYYY-MM-DD [2025-12-31]. Below is a number of locales using various date formats, sorted by number of locales descending.
In other words: the most popular format is on top.

[31/12/2025]    -> #[210] locales (US-inspired one)
[31/12/25]      -> #[97] locales
[2025-12-31]    -> #[39] locales (e.g. Sweden)
[31.12.25]      -> #[30] locales
[31‏/12‏/2025]    -> #[27] locales #format with RTL symbol TODO
[31.12.2025]    -> #[24] locales
[12/31/25]      -> #[21] locales
[31-12-2025]    -> #[10] locales
[2025/12/31]    -> #[8] locales
[31-12-25]      -> #[6] locales
[25/12/31]      -> #[5] locales
[31.12.25.]     -> #[4] locales
[25. 12. 31.]   -> #[2] locales
[31. 12. 2025]  -> #[2] locales
[31. 12. 25.]   -> #[1] locales
[2025.12.31]    -> #[1] locales
[31.12.25 г.]   -> #[1] locales
[31. 12. 2025.] -> #[1] locales
[31. 12. 25]    -> #[1] locales
[2025. 12. 31.] -> #[1] locales
[31/12 2025]    -> #[1] locales