
Pong game in HTML5 Canvas and CoffeeScript

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Pong-CoffeeScript: an HTML5 Canvas 2D Game written in CoffeeScript

Setting up your dev environment

Compile the CoffeeScript files to a single pong-coffeescript.js file with the command:

$ ./compile.sh

You can open pong-coffeescript.html directly in your browser using the file:// protocol. However, I recommend you use a real web server. If you have python installed:

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Then browse to http://localhost:8000/pong-coffeescript.html.

Reload the page each time you change something, or check out Guardfile to setup automatic reloading.

How to browse the code

Here are the files you should take a look at, in logical order:

  1. pong-coffeescript.html is the page containing the <canvas> we render the game on.
  2. game.coffee is the game engine, mainly the game loop.
  3. pong.coffee initializes the game and the entities.
  4. entity.coffee contains the base class for all game entities.
  5. ball.coffee is the ball entity. Boing!
  6. paddles.coffee is the logic for the player and computer controlled paddles.